I miss Daddy

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requested by : localsmuttwriter

little/s: George,Karl <3

caregiver/s: Dream,sapnap <3

* * *

Dream and George were upstairs,getting ready to go to Karl and Sapnap's.Dream had to go to a business meeting and he didn't want to leave George alone,so Sapnap agreed to look after him.plus,Karl really wanted George to come over.Dream dressed George in nice,but comfy clothes.

"You ready to go baby?"Dream asked,picking George up.

George nodded,holding onto his stuffie.

Dream walked over to the car,putting George in the passengers seat and buckling his seatbelt.he got into the drivers seat,starting the car.he started driving to Karl and Sapnap's house,keeping his right hand on George's thigh the entire ride.they finally got there,George holding Dream's hand as they went into the house.

as soon as they walked in,Karl shot up from the couch and ran over to George,hugging him tightly.

George hugged back,giggling as he did so

"hey sap.he had lunch,but he hasn't taken a nap yet.i'll be back around midnight."

"alright,got it.good luck on the meeting"

Dream smiled as a thank you and kissed George's cheek before putting his stuff on the counter and leaving.

George and Karl were already busy playing with Karl's new collection of cars.Sapnap smiled,putting George's stuff on the couch.

"can i have paci?" George asked when he saw it in the bag.

"of course you can honey" sapnap got George's pacifier,placing it in his mouth.George mumbled a thank you and continued playing with Karl.

"im tired kawl" George said,his voice being muffled by the pacifier.

"me too.wanna sleep together?" Karls eyes lit up at the thought of napping and cuddling with his best friend.

"yes please" George said in a whisper.

Karl quickly cleaned up the toys,getting his favorite blanket.Sapnap was on the couch,watching a movie whilst making sure the didn't do anything dumb.

Karl and George got on the couch,Karl immediately pulling the blanket over both of them and snuggling into George.Sapnap's heart melted as he watched them with a smile.George put his head on Karl's shoulder,closing his eyes.Karl wrapped his arms around George,closing his eyes aswell.

Sapnap finished his movie while George and Karl napped.George soon started to stir as he woke up.he opened his eyes,looking around confused.

he saw Sapnap and crawled over to him,getting into his lap.

"hey honey,how'd you sleep?"

George mumbled something Sapnap couldn't quite understand.he rubbed George's back,humming a melody.

Karl woke up aswell,stretching and rubbing his eyes.he got up,going to the bathroom.George suddenly realised,his Daddy wasn't there.

"Sappy wheres Daddy?"he asked,pulling his head up from Sapnap's chest to look around for Dream.

"Dream left honey,he's at an important meeting."

"oh" George whispered,eyes starting to water.

"oh no no honey,he'll be back soon i promise"

George nodded,trying to hold back his tears.

Karl got back from the bathroom,getting worried when he saw his best friend upset.he sat next to Sapnap and George,looking at George with a worried expression.Sapnap held his hand as to tell him 'he'll be fine,don't worry'.

however,George couldn't hold back his tears.he started crying,holding onto Sapnap's hoodie.

"shh,it's okay honey,he'll be here soon.it's okay,calm down baby"

Karl joined in,hugging George from the back,feeling bad for his friend.George couldn't stop crying.he missed Dream.Sapnap knew George wouldn't calm down unless Dream came here.

"you want me to call Daddy?"

George's eyes lit up and he quickly nodded.Karl sat next to George while Sapnap called Dream.he explained everything and Dream immediately dropped the meeting to go get George.

"Dream will be here soon,okay?"

George nodded,putting his head back on Sapnap's chest.Sapnap played with George's hair,holding Karl's hand with his free one.

eventually,Dream got there.he hurried out of the car,rushing into the house.

"Daddy!"George jumped out of Sapnap's lap,running to Dream.

"hey honey,are you okay?"Dream scooped him up,placing him on his hip.

George just stayed quiet,holding onto Dream tightly.Dream walked over to the couch to grab George's stuff,ruffling Karl's hair before grabbing the bag.

"thanks for watching him"

"it's no problem,i like watching him."

Dream smiled,walking out of the house and going home with George.they got home in about 20 minutes,Dream placed everything on the kitchen counter whilst still carrying George.

"Daddy i hungry"

"do you want a sandwich baby?"Dream kissed George's cheek,moving his hair out of his forehead.

George nodded,jumping out of his hands.

Dream got the ingridients,making george the sandwich.he added some of George's favorite stuff,placing the sandiwch on the plate.he got his sippy cup,filling it up with George's favorite,apple juice.

"here you go honey"he kissed George's forehead,handing him the food.

George mumbled a 'thank you', digging into his food.he quickly ate the sandwich,now enjoying his juice.Dream grabbed the plate and washed it.

"Daddy can we watch a movie?"

"of course sweetheart,let's go" Dream grabbed George's hand,taking him to the couch.

they sat down,Dream turning on a cartoon.George cuddled into his side,resting his head on Dream's shoulder.Dream wrapped his hand around George's waist,pulling him closer.they watched it for about 30 minutes before Dream realised George was dozing off.he gently picked him up,trying not to wake him.he went upstairs,laying George down on the bed.he changed into comfortable clothes,carefully changing George after.he turned off the lights,getting in the bed and pulling the covers over both of them.he pulled George into his chest,wrapping his hand around him.Dream kissed the top of George's head,tighteting his grip.he closed his eyes,quickly falling asleep with George.


not proof read.

you can request in the comments!

hope you enjoyed <3

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