☆Chapter one -Act 0☆

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{♡The Sweet Welcome?♡}

The empty streets make the kid's loud clattered footsteps echo out around the air. I guess that's how the man found him. Following him by the sounds he made were easy for anyone really.

"Why hello ,  what do we have here?" The man questions a gleam of wonder and darker intentions shine deep within his eyes. Unable and choosing not to answer the child backs up , glaring up at the man he has deemed dangerous and untrustworthy.

"Now now , is that any way to look at someone trying to help?" The man chuckles as another voice pipes up startling the kid once more.

"Hey! I wanna keep it! It has a cute face" a child looking round the age of eight or ten say's , he notices right away the bright blonde hair of the other kid , liking it much more then the man with dull colours.

"Of course!" The man say's smiling towards the child , he seems to be swooning over her. "Well then ," the man looks back at him , making him flinch from his gaze.

A sharp sting is the last thing the boy feels before his eyes close knocking him out for who knows how long.

When he comes to the first thing he notices is the bright shinning sun , realizing he's not in the same place as before he sits up taking in the sight of a modern looking room. Dull colours.... he could already tell he'd hate it.

"Ah , glab you're awake" the man from before say's startling him. "Now then shall I explain somethings to you?"

The boy glares backing up towards the corner as the male starts talking. "You see elise really wanted you so I've 'saved' you from your little poor life"

The boy glares as the man shushes him continuing to talk. "Shush , I'm not done yet" he sighs sitting down on the bed smiling. "It turns out actually , we're related"

The boy blinks confusion writen on his face before turning into complete disgust. The man glares a bit smiling coldly. "Dont act that way , anyway you'll be here for the rest of your life get used to it." He hums standing up grinning. "Your new name is nora that sounds better doesn't it?"

The boy glares shakily standing up opening up his mouth. "You- you shut- sh-" he ends up coughing before finishing his sentence. He soon stops , whipping his mouth of the remaining drool he glares back at him. "My-my name is- is not fu- fuckin' nora!" He stutters out ending up in another coughing fit , falling onto his knees.

Mori hums folding his arms behind himself turning and leave out of the room.


Time passed , the boy was been stuck in the room for a while , two days he'd say. Perhaps three or four? He shakes his head cutting off the ideas of being stuck for more then two days. He huffs looking over at the plate of bread and sweets. He'd eat it but unlike the drinks he doesn't trust the food.

"Hey! Velvette come over and play with me!" Elise say's entering the room with a few of her supplies. 'Velvette' has become a nickname of his. He'd go by that then what mori gave him. He jumps off the bed sitting down infront of the mirror as elise starts to do his unevenly cut hair.

Getting startled , velvette coughs catching the lollipop that was shoved in his mouth suddenly by elise. She grins and laughs softly. "Come on , come on! You gotta eat that at least i would never kill my first plaything"

Velvette narrows his eyes a bit , unable to glare at the girl as he sighs putting it back into his mouth , being a bit disgusted by the stickiness that's left in his hands. He looks back into the mirror , watching elise do his hair in many different ways.

"Hey hey! Velvette , mori is gonna be letting you out soon aint that great?"

Velvette sighs and smiles tilting his head a bit as to give her some more space.

"I'd- I'd be gr-grateful elise.."

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