☆Chapter Twenty-Four Act 10.1☆

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☆The Dark forgotten Past part 2☆

"-me Help me Help me Help me Help me Help me Help me Help me Help me"

''stop it"

"Why did I have to die for you?"

"You're not him"

"You said you loved me"

"And I did."

"Then why are you with them when you said you loved me"

Velvette stared wide eyed at them as he watched their body melt and reform as he grabbed at his frozen body.


Velvette glared almost bitterly, staring at the monster he had once adored.

"You can't just leave me for them! You said I was different! Special!"

They sobbed, his melting body was burning Velvette's body, he took a step back in visible pain making them scream and shrieked, body almost molding as they started clawing at him.

Velvette jolted and sat up, gasping in pain as he clutched his chest, looking around frantically as he looked around the bright lighted room. "Living room, living room' he thought, trying to calm himself down, ■■■ had given him the tip to calm down if he had a panic attack, describe everything around him and reassure that he's fine and safe were he was. 'I'm on the couch-, I'm fine, they're not here.' He tried reassuring himself, slowly swinging his legs down to set his feet on the carpet, wincing when his right leg hit the floor, velvette glanced down at his leg... nothing.

He let out a sigh of almost relief and stood up, wrapping his blanket closer around his body, slowly walking up the stairs, freezing at every creak of the old stairs, thinking that something or someone would just jump out at him and attack. 'everyone's asleep, everything's fine nothing's going to get me...' He shivered and headed to the end of the hall, hearing the snoring from rooms and seeing some light from some, someone clearly awake.

'Just go in and ask to sleep in there, red will understand right?' Velvette thought, hand stopping just before the handle, glaring down at his hand. 'this is dumb I can just go in there, he said he didn't care...' velvette glared harder and dropped his arm, turning away from the door. 'I don't need it, I'll just go back to sleep and hope it doesn't happen again.'

"if you leave me I'll die''

"Chrisk say something!"

"I'm dying because you won't save me!"

"Aren't I good enough?! Haven't i done so much to make you happy?!"

"Please... if you leave me I'll kill myself..."

"Bullshit." Velvette muttered out, watching as the goo from their body start melting his flesh away. 'Stop, please.' Velvette couldn't even move, his body was pinned and trapped by what was left of them sitting on his legs and lap, staring him down.

"I-I'm not useless like this, I'm not useless i can make you happy!"

"No you can't."

"I-I can though! I made you so happy before! We stayed up all night talking so many times, you kept saying how happy you were!"

"That's before you became this."

"Please, don't leave... I can change back! I can.."

"Then change back. would've never liked someone if I knew how jealous they got."

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