Chapter twelve-Act 5

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{♡Just a drink♡}

Velvette stumbles back soon dropping onto his knees as blood spills out of his mouth. He watches mori walk past him cleaning up his scalpel.

"How long now?" Mori questions turning to him.

Velvette coughs taking his hand off the wound as it slowly starts to close. He gulps. "A minute..." he mutters whipping his mouth. He soon gets up.

He earns a smile from mori , that's get his heart to start beating faster. "You're getting better" and that praise hits him hard too He smiles widen.

"But that's too slow. It's not good enough"

Oh that just hit him.... his smile tightens and nods. "Right I'll get better sir"

Mori sighs , waving his hand. "Now leave"

Velvette nods turning and walking out of the room.


Osamu knocks on Velvette's room , Opening it right up and going inside. He frowns once he notices the empty room , tapping his book he sighs.

Putting down his book , he looks through the room , figuring there's no harm.

The door swings opening Osamu quickly sitting down on the bed.

Velvette blinks not excepting Osamu to be here. "Uh why are you here?"

Osamu gets up walking over towards him. "We were going to go drinking , remember?"

"Oh.. that , I'm sorry but I'm afraid i-"

Osamu cuts him off shaking his head. "No you can't cancel on me , I planned ahead" he childish whines and frowns. "You'll seriously disappoint me"

Not sure if Osamu noticed the slight freeze of velvette if he didn't he didn't comment , only grinning once the other nods their head slowly.


Velvette has never been to a bar , or at least one were he could enter without an adult. But he likes this one then the ones he's seen. The colours fit nicely , even if they're a dark pallette. Unlike his room the colours aren't boring or plain. I guess that's something that room and him have in common..

"Why would you want me to be here anyway?" He ask's tilting his head.

Osamu orders his drink. "Felt like you needed a drink" he answers but that just confused velvette further. That did not answer he asked. He could tell Osamu wasn't telling the truth.

Sighing velvette rest on his palm. Osamu hums ordering another drink for him.

He ended up getting wine , as Osamu didn't specifically state the drink the bartender just gave him something random.

With a small frown , velvette holds up the glass to his lips and taking a sip. He liked it.. as if stating his answer he just nodded taking another sip slowly.

"Wonderful" Osamu comments , going to drink his own.


Osamu didn't know how this ended up like this , he just wanted to know velvette's mind more. But he did not anticipate the way he would act when drunk.

It was past four hours when Osamu dragged velvette back to base. And he had to actually drag him , for some reason , velvette forgot most things when he became drunk.

Velvette flops onto the bed earning a noise escape him. Osamu sighs grabbing the sheets as he watches Velvette giggle to himself.

"Come on Velvette stop moving" he mutters getting a bit annoyed at the movement of the older one.

He sighs once velvette stops moving grabbing the blankets again.

"Who's velvette...?"

That stop's Osamu for a bit he blinks looking over at the other seeing a face of confusion writen on his face.

Then the relation hits him , right... velvette isn't his name. Osamu sighs shaking his head moving to take off the others shoes. "That's you , you're velvette"

"Huh.... no my name isn't that..." the drowsy voice of velvette fades in and out , making Osamu look back at him. "My name... my name is...." his voice trails out.

"Just forget it" Osamu mutters , patting the pillows.

Velvette hums leaning into his hand , startling the other a bit. "I like this you...that mask of yours isn't..." he finishes with a yawn.

Osamu blinks , pulling his hands away. That.... he didn't really put up a mask with the other , because he didn't care.

Osamu sighs rubbing his eyes. He knew the other knew that the invitation to drink had a deeper meaning but he agreed in case Osamu actually got disappointed.

Shaking his head , Osamu looks back at the bed seeing velvette already fast asleep. He pulls the blankets over him. Heading over the desk Osamu puts down the book of Velvette.

He turns on the lap , incase the other woke up during the middle of the night. He sighs once again and walks out closing the door behind him slowly.

These events only made him want to know more of the older's mind. But at least he learned more information then before.

Although the information... isn't useful.

He sighs shaking his head pulling out his book and Flippin to the last page he read.

He'd figure out how to solve this case.
It's the least he could do to cure this new found interest in the other.

He'd hate to admit it but he doesn't mind the other. But not enough to consider them a friend.

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