Chapter Seven-Act 3

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{♡A Free Day Of Relaxing♡}

The morning started off strangely. Velvette was awoke by the face of mori above him , feeling around under his shirt with a sickingly smile.

Although he doesn't feel anything strange with the predicament. All he does is stare up , his eyes glossing over.

"Ah good morning nora" mori smiles leaning in their faces getting much closer were one would flinch.

"Good morning."

Mori smiles , Velvette's eyes widen a bit as he feels mori stab him with a needle , but eventually his eyes soften again.

"Have I ever said your eyes look stunning?"

His eyes widen again , he doesn't understand why his heart starts to beat faster , he always hated his eyes , alway hated how they looked. But for someone to complement them? Even if it was from someone he didn't quite liked. He liked it...

"They'd sell lovely for a high price , I guess you're useful in that as well hm?"

That makes the excitement die down into a stinging sensation. Of course. No one would compliment him if it wasn't for benefits.

Mori pulls his hand out getting up. "Now then , you'll try out my new drug , so I'll spend your time in the town with dazai he'll report back any symptoms. So you better get ready"

"Of course" Velvette sits up watching mori walk out. He huffs getting out of bed and starting to get ready.


Osamu sighs , leaning on the wall boredom consuming his whole day. Velvette hums a plastered smile on his face as he also leans on the wall hands cupped neatly infront of him.

Dazai watches him from the corner of his eyes tilting his head over to look at him with a bored frown.

"Hey why are your eyes so weird?"

Velvette blinks. "I have heterochromia"

"Yeah I get that but why is one eye two different colours?"

"I have Partial heterochromia , that makes part of my iris a different colour"

Osamu Make's a noise of understanding nodding looking back to the front.  "They look strange"

Velvette nods smiling. "Of course"

"You been told that a lot?"

He nods making Osamu hum.

"Is that why your bangs are so long?"

"I haven't cut them." Velvette frowns looking over at the other. "Why are you even asking?"

Osamu shrugs. "Im just bored"


Velvette sighs entering his room and flopping onto his face. Burying his face in the blankets. Osamu flops onto his back on the empty side of the bed , his coat falling off his shoulders.

"Hey it finally smells alright" Osamu mutters through a yawn.

Velvette hums sitting up. "Luckily." He also yawns getting up and sitting down at their desk.

Osamu blinks looking up before resting his body and covering his eyes. "I'll take a nap that's fine right?"

Velvette nods leaning on his desk. "Mhm , you seem tired anyway"

Yawning Osamu turns to his side. "It's not fair you get such a nice bed"

"It isn't is it?" Velvette hums.

He watches Velvette dig into the drawer , pulling out a book.

It's pretty , a pretty blue colour with a metal gear like design. Dazai also notices the pages inside are black.

There's a sort of lock on the book , which to velvette unlocks , getting a pen and starting to write away.

Osamu sighs turning towards the wall shutting his eyes shut. The feeling of the fan blowing on his exposed skin. "Do you write?"

"I do... why?"

" reason" Osamu yawns finally drifting off to sleep no more questions lingering in his mind.

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