Chapter Eight-Act 3

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{♡A boring day♡}

Osamu hums moving the lollipop around his mouth , turning the page of the book resting on the table.

"This is really boring" he mutters earning a grunt from the boy besides him.

"I didn't allow you to read it osamu" Velvette mutters , his head laying on the table uncomfortably , his eyes looking over at the other.

Osamu shrugs tracing the designs of the page. "How come you know what tearing a head looks like?"

Velvette yawns rubbing his head. "Cuz I read?"

Rolling his eyes Osamu turns the page.

Velvette flashes a grin burying his face into his arms letting out another yawn. "How come we're left with a stalking mission?"

"Eh , it's fine"


Osamu scans the page of the book as they both walk.

Velvette smiles , holding no emotion , their hands folded neatly behind him. Their heels softly clicking on the marble floor.

"Your book it's strangely okay"

"Why are you still reading it? It's been about an hour , you ain't gotta finish it"

Osamu sighs shutting the book turning towards him. "We have to be together , I want to know some of your interests , reading your work is a way"

"I understand," he say's voice sounding taut. "But , my work is just a hobby , nothing to do with me"

Rolling his eyes Osamu open's up the book again. "Still going to."

Smile widening , velvette nods. "Alright then."

"Anyway , we've reported back to boss so we can go our separate ways." Velvette say's as he stops walking.

Osamu blinks , pausing his walking as he looks back at him. "Separate ways? I want to use your bed"

Velvette blinks and nods. "Sure then , not separate ways" he continues to walk Osamu following behind.


Once they enter Velvette's room , Osamu flops onto the bed making himself comfortable holding out the book he continues to read.

The other sighs sitting on the chair , pulling up his legs to his chest , he leans back grabbing a sweet to shove in his mouth.

"Do you usually do poetry?"

Velvette hums looking over at him. "Sort of find it easier to write like that" he mutters shrugging. Osamu nods flipping the page.

Eventually silent looms over them , velvette turning to work on another journal.

Osamu sighs closing the book , stretching out his arms he rolls onto his back.

"Your room is cold don't you have a heater?"

Velvette blinks shaking his head. "No I like it cold , just cover yourself"

Muttering Osamu goes under the covers laying his head on the pillows.

Velvette hums tapping his pen gently on the table. The sound of the wind blowing by slowly sends Osamu to sleep.


Nightfall soon arrives , velvette looks over at Osamu,  that has made himself comfortable and in a deep sleep.

He hums standing up , grabbing the book and laying it on the table. Hearing the soft breathing of Osamu sooths the small nerves , he turns on a lap. He grabs osamu's coat folding it neatly and placing it besides the table.

Sighing he stretches out his arms as he heads back to his desk. Shivering a bit he huffs picking his pen back up continuing to write.

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