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Gensokyo, Systar System, it's a hell of a journey.
A start of a world where fictional characters and game characters exist after breaking the Paradox Prism. An immature 13+ year old kid - A Cyborg, A Hum...
A/N: There are outfit images that also came from the book "Katie Mitchell x Jade", Little_Rosario666 please don't kill me, I will take credit.
Uzi parked the Motorcycle at the top of the plane. Hydro was just curious of what ie just saw... It's...
HYDRO Whoa! It's the portal to dimensions to the Sistar System. The Stairgate.
UZI Ever heard of it?
HYDRO No... but I want to see what's in there!
UZI Me too!
So, Hydro saw a door that can go inside the plane. But how does a plane go to an Orbit. Well, specifically the British Airways was powered with Renegades. It can go through dimensions. Hydro walked inside the plane. But there are of the party peoples. There are discos, there are bars, there are computer shops, there are bedrooms, there are balconies. The plane is everything.
Hydro saw his friend Electroman, partying. But, Hydro felt the guilt, the last time he saw on the Television, his friends were complaining about him. But for now, he wants to try to stay calm and get to his friends.
ELECTROMAN Oh sup Hydro? Where have you been this time? Look man. There's these renegade guys. Hey do you remember the last time we got trashtalked?
HYDRO Yeah? Why?
ELECTROMAN Dude if these renegades are coming in front of us right now we would be so ashamed
HYDRO What the heck is Katie wearing?
Hydro saw Katie wearing a new fancy outfit. The image:
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ATLAS Yooooooooooooooo Hydro wassup, I am so sorry I have been offline on Discord.
HYDRO Eh... Yeah yeah I forgive you
ATLAS Oh, yeeeeeaaaaaaah it's Unlimited Pride Month and it lasts 1 year, very Brav moment
HYDRO Unlimited-- What the f-- for real?! Jesus christ
ATLAS Alright so uhhhh... we have these party guys here....
HYDRO We dont know what to do but just play TDS?
ATLAS Bro TDS is already a dead game, no one plays that s**t anymore