Chapter 21

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When Jennie woke up, the house was eerily quiet

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When Jennie woke up, the house was eerily quiet. The clock showed 7 p.m., meaning she had been sleeping for quite a long time. When she called her mother, Sandara, she learned that the whole family had tried to wake her earlier, but she had slept so deeply, it was as though she had fainted. So, they decided to go out without her.

Jennie was told that her father had an appointment with a friend, whom she guessed might be his new business partner for the upcoming joint venture and after dinner with him, they would return home. Sandara had left some food in the kitchen, and the family's helper was staying home with Jennie to keep her company.

After having dinner, Jennie felt an urge to go sit in the living room, in her second home—the place of her dreams and fantasies. The sofa felt comforting, its cushions soft beneath her. She imagined her Prince Charming sitting beside her, a man who would love and protect her forever. Someone who would care for her even when her face was lined with a million wrinkles.

A smile crept across her face as she let her mind drift. She envisioned a fairy-tale wedding, herself stunning in a white gown, and her groom arriving on a white horse... or perhaps, she laughed to herself, a white Ferrari! Yes, a Ferrari would be perfect!

Her thoughts wandered back to the time when she was studying in Auckland. She remembered Aya Sophia, the Dubai girl she had met during a peaceful demonstration calling for Israel to withdraw from Palestinian land. The streets had been packed with people from different nationalities, united in their cause. Jennie had gone with her friends, Jess, Kate, Matt, and Peter Parker. They had all held hands to avoid getting separated in the crowd, but when the police started firing tear gas, chaos erupted. People began pushing and running in all directions, and Jennie was knocked to the ground. Just when she thought she might be trampled, she was saved by Aya and her brother Arman.

Aya and Jennie eventually became close, spending weekends together in Whitecliffe, where Aya's father was a professor. Jennie found solace in Aya's company, especially during one of the darkest times of her life—when Peter Parker, her close friend, took his own life.

Jennie and Peter had been inseparable. Their friendship was so close that others often mistook them for a couple, though Jennie was never quite sure how she felt about him. She loved Peter dearly. He was tall and charming, and one day, he had confessed his love for her. But because of their different backgrounds, Jennie couldn't promise him anything.

Then, everything changed when a scandal broke about Peter's family. His father had been sued for fraud, and their family was declared bankrupt. Peter's once-privileged life unraveled, and he became the target of scorn from classmates. With no money to pay his tuition, Peter was nearly expelled and had to take on part-time jobs to survive.

Jennie did everything she could to support him, but Peter began to withdraw from her, becoming more and more distant. Then, one day, Jennie received the devastating news that Peter had died. His body was found in his dorm room, an overdose of sedatives.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐞𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐁𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐫 » taennieWhere stories live. Discover now