The Hunt

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We ran through the forest quickly and quietly, the blind fold seemed as though it was getting heavier with each step. I could smell the pine from the trees and I could feel the tension through the air from my parents. They did not want their precious daughter to have to participate in such an event, but they knew this was the only way to avoid a war. In the beginning I did not think this was fair for them to ask of me. But now, I do not mind so much. The thought of being married to a prince is both scary and exciting. I am just thinking of what the werewolf kingdom must look like. Are there tall beautiful castles? Is there any parks and schools like my families community? Or is it dark and scary with no sense of hope? These thoughts kept me busy as I ran for my life throughout the forest. Finally we stopped running and I was able to catch my breath. Muriel informed me about the pain I was about to go through. She explained that this meant Klaus' and I's telepathic link was about to open up. She began enchanting strange words that I had never heard before. My brain began to feel as though it was being tortured with electric rods. I felt my mothers and fathers hand on my shoulder and they gave me little comfort. After the pain stopped, I stopped screaming which meant Muriel stopped chanting. Suddenly a loud horn blew next to me which I can only assume means the hunt shall begin. 

My love, are you there?  A strange voice whispered into my mind.

"Who's there?" I asked out loud. I heard a chuckle from my parents.

"Camilla darling, you must communicate with Klaus through your mind. He needs to be able to find you." Mother said in a soft voice.

Oh, um, yes I am here. 

There you are my precious princess. Tell me about your surroundings. What do you hear? What do you smell? Do you see any light or is it completely dark? Klaus asked.

I hear a waterfall, it is so loud Klaus. And I smell the water and the forest trees. As for light, I don't know, my blindfold is only presenting darkness. 

That is okay my dear princess. Locating the waterfall should help me significantly.  I smiled feeling a sense of pride within myself. I was able to help Klaus find me. This is awesome. Soon I started to feel pain throughout my bones. I screamed out as it felt as though all of my bones were breaking at once. I tore off the blind fold to see my horrified parents. I cried and screamed repetitively as the pain burned throughout my body. 

"Muriel, what's wrong with her?" My father shouted. "You said she should only be in pain for the the telepathic communication!" My mother came to hug me but I had to throw her off because she seemed to add only more weight and pain. 

"I don't know your highness. My mother never mentioned a second wave of pain." I watched Muriel pull out a small book and flip through it's pages for the answer.

I looked at my hands, the bones within them started to break and conform into different shapes. I don't think I take this agony much longer, I watched claws come out of my hands. Wait, claws? No one told me that the mating bond would cause me to have claws. Suddenly my feet, legs and arms went through the same agonizing pain. And I was suddenly on all fours. A burning itch came through me as I felt hair grow through me. The last thing I remember as I passed out from the pain was hearing my mothers voice.

"Charles, did you know she was a werewolf?" 


Camilla! Camilla where are you? Why aren't you responding my love? Her silence was driving me insane. I ran through the forest as my wolf. I had a deep black coat, my coat is so black it appears to have purple hues. I sniffed throughout the air and found her scent getting stronger and stronger. No males decided to challenge me for my mate, which I am not complaining about. I did not feel like killing anyone tonight, especially now that my mate is not responding to my call.

I stopped at a halt whenever I saw Camilla's parents staring over something white. Camilla's mother had tears strolling from her eyes as Camilla's father held his wife close as she wept. Panic shot through me, was I too late? I glanced at Muriel who was storming through her book at an inhuman speed. 

"Your highnesses, I have checked everywhere and I unfortunately do not have an answer as to why she shifted into this beautiful white wolf." White wolf? What are they talking about? Camilla is human, not a wolf. I decided now is probably the time to shift back and find out what is going on. I shifted back into human form untying my clothes from my neck and stepped out of the bushes.

"What do you mean Camilla shifted into a wolf Muriel?" I spoke with firmness. 

"Prince Klaus, thank goodness you're here. It seems Princess Camilla went through a-uh shift. Did she say anything to you about shifting or knowing what happened?" I shook my head no in confusion. King Charles decided to speak up.

"Muriel is there any way your chants caused a super freak of an accident and turned her into this creature?" I don't know if I am supposed to be offended Camilla's father called wolves a super freak accident or relieved that he isn't angry at me. 

"Your highness, I don't know." Queen Amelia did not look pleased with her answer.

"Well what do you know Mur-" I heard a commotion and suddenly the white wolf picked up it's head. 

Klaus, where am I?  I heard my beautiful mates voice. 

Camilla, Camilla is that you? I asked with hopefulness.

The one and only. Klaus why is everyone staring at me?  Is there something on my face?

My love, do you not see your own reflection in the water?  She walked to water and gasped.

What happened to me? Panic was clearly in her voice.

We aren't sure. Camilla, is there any chance you know who your birth parents are? She shook her head no. I saw the sadness in her posture.

Don't worry my dear princess, answers are soon to come. But for now, shift back so that your family may rejoice that I have found you.

I don't know how. 

Just imagine your human self again. And command your body to shift. It felt like hours but suddenly she was able to shift. I ran and grabbed her white torn dress to help her cover herself. It was harder than it should have been for me not to look. We made eye contact and suddenly my dear princess ran to me with a bone crushing hug. I could feel the sparks and tingles all throughout my body as could she. My mate is finally able to accept me. And the best part is, she's not human. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2023 ⏰

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