The Introduction

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After Klaus and I's announced relationship, my parents protection protocol only increased. Now while attending school I had body guards constantly with me. I couldn't go to any class without them and the worst thing of all is whenever Jackson would try to talk to me, they would step in and remind me that I have a mate and I shouldn't be talking to other males. Apparently Amelia (yes I am calling her that right now because I am a brat and am throwing a fit), she thinks that it'll send the wrong message if I am speaking with other males besides Klaus. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at that stupid idea. Jackson is nothing more than a handsome friend I have.

"So Mimi.." I held up my finger and shook my head no. I couldn't help but laughing at Jackson, he is such a dork. I told the guards they could go somewhere else with their rudeness. I don't have to shut out the male population because of some werewolf. That satisfied them enough, you know, shaming the werewolf part and all.

"Jacky, you aren't going to call me Mimi!" I couldn't help but laugh. Mr. Bowls, our health teacher looked at me angrily. I just smiled at him and he rolled his eyes.

"Woah, woah, woah. Jacky? No ma'am. If I can't call you Cami, Lala, Ila and now Mimi. You will not call me Jacky." He said with a gigantic smile on his face.

"What about Ella? If you just have to call me something that isn't my name, can it at least be pretty sounding?" He looked at me and smirked.

"Oh I see how it is. So you think because you are the princess and gorgeous that you can just demand whatever name you so please? Now you shall have the worst name in the entire universe. Mwahahaha." I rolled my eyes at his childishness. This boy is crazy.

"NO! I just don't want a weird nickname. I am the  princess after all." Mr. Bowls gave me another death glance and that made a giggle escape from my mouth. I tried to look away sheepishly but I just couldn't hold back my laughter any longer. 

Thankfully our school bell rang and that means I am free to leave this place. I do have an adorable puppy waiting for me at home after all, and I do mean the puppy. Not the other dog waiting for me.

"So have y'all talked since the ball?" Jackson looked at me with a worried look on his face. Our relationship was like we had been best friends our entire lives, no love interest, just pure friendship.

"No. I don't want to talk to him. Just because of some mate bond thing or whatever, it doesn't mean that I have to leave my family. I finally have a home worth staying and I don't want to be ripped away just because of some concocted spell that I have never heard of." Jackson's pity only grew more on his face.

"I understand that Camilla, but you don't know what it's like waiting your whole life for a mate and thinking you will never find her. And then you do and she just wants to reject you? I couldn't imagine the horrible pain one would go through." Well great, now I feel guilty.

"You don't think he would hurt me?"

"Absolutely not. Male werewolves are so protective of their mates it's not even funny. Their whole life is to literally protect their mate."

"Well that's a relief I guess." We awkwardly chuckled and headed for our cars. Jackson's family is pretty high on the rank chain so he has a driver like me.

When I got home, Koda ran to me excitedly, his floppy ears and clumsy feet just crack me up even more. I couldn't help but giggle at this adorable goofball in front of me.

"Camilla is that you? I am in the kitchen if it's you darling." Amelia called to me.

"Yes mom, it's me." I walked towards the kitchen to see mom drinking something out of a dark glass cup. I can only assume it's blood.

"Hi honey, how was school? I hear you and Jackson seem to be getting along well."

"We are like best friends if I am being honest, mom. Jackson just gets me and everything I am going through. And I don't mean that like my life is hard or anything, I think we just get along since his parents have the highest seat on the council."

"Oh I don't mind you being friends with Jackson dear. He comes from a lovely family that has been loyal to us for many years now. I was just excited to hear that you have friends. Though I wish it was more girl friends, since you do have a mate and all." 

"Mom, it isn't like that and you know that."

"Well Camilla, I wanted to talk to you about your birthday ball. Klaus is excited for your eighteenth birthday and your father and I are excited as well. We just don't have any clue what to do for your birthday if I am being honest."

"Oh you guys don't have to throw me anything, I have you and dad. A perfect family, what else could a girl possibly need?" I saw mom smile so much tears formed in her eyes. 

"Honey you do know once you turn 18 your pull to Klaus will become much stronger than it is now, you aren't going to want to stay with us anymore, and that's okay. Your father and I came to terms with this as soon as we realized how important the werewolves value their mates. Especially since you will be mated to the werewolf prince of all wolves. This can finally be the answer for peace in all of the lands. Not to make you sound like a bargaining chip or anything, but your father and I have looked for many years on how to draw peace between the werewolves and vampires. "

"I know mom, but I just don't feel anything towards Prince Klaus. Honestly I just think of him how I would think of any other school girl crush. He is just the hot older guy who is way out of my reach. I really do want to have a small birthday celebration with just you, me and dad. And Koda too of course." I picked up my huge teddy bear and began kissing him all over, which caused his adorable little barks to start happening. 

" I will speak to your father about your birthday wishes, however, I need you to understand that this birthday is a huge deal for our people and there will be a ball to celebrate your 18th birthday."

"Ok mom"

My 18th birthday is so much closer than I realized, three months really isn't that much time and I am surprised that I haven't been pulled in sooner for birthday planning. Mom is so into planning that she may have done it all in secret without me even knowing. 

I couldn't tell anyone what I am looking for specifically for my party. I love the color blue or black and that is pretty much all I can tell anyone. I know Koda is going to wear a cute bow tie to match my dress, I am really wanting to wear a pant suit but mom would never allow me to do such a thing. 

"Where are my girls at?" Dad yelled through the house calling for us. I could hear moms giggle. They are so cute and I hope that one day Klaus and I will be like that. 

"We are in the den dear." Mom called.

"So, any updates on birthday plans?" I glanced awkwardly at mom. She took a deep breath and showed a beautiful smile before she started to speak. 

"Camilla has decided that she wants a small celebration my dear."

"That is okay with me. How small are we talking? A thousand, two thousand guests?" My eyes bulged at my fathers thought of a small gathering. 

"I was thinking more like just you, mom, Koda and I." I smiled sheepishly, hoping his response wouldn't be disappointment. 

"Camilla, you know your mother and I would love to keep you all to ourselves. Unfortunately, we have been at war with the werewolves for centuries and this is the best way for us to end that war. We are not using you as a bargaining chip, however, it really does work out in our favor that you and Prince Klaus are mates. You know your mother and I love you with all of our hearts. But we have people to serve and we as rulers must think of the people." I couldn't help my eyes whelping up with tears. I know they aren't trying to be bad parents. I know they are only wanting the best for their people, but the selfish side of me can't help but think about unfair this is. I don't even know Klaus. All I have been told is how I am his mate and how I am supposed to love and cherish him, and what an honor it is that Mother Nature chose me, a random human girl, to be his mate. It's a bunch of bologna if you ask me. 

I couldn't help but storm up to my room. This is not how I wanted my day to go, but I just can't think past how unfair this is. It's not like we live in the old days of arranged marriages, this is a new century and it's time these supernatural creatures get with it. 

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