The New School

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I have lived with Charlie and Amelia for a week now and it has honestly been the greatest week of my life. They decided that I didn't have to go to school this week because they wanted to get to know me more. We even went on a road trip and it was really fun, they took me to the beach and we went parasailing and scuba diving. We even got to go cliff diving and that was the most fun thing I have ever done. They told me we will go on more trips throughout the year. Amelia even convinced Charlie that for every A I make on my report card, is a fun trip we will take during the summer. You can tell Amelia and Charlie always wanted a child and I am so blessed to have been chosen for them. 

Marium Webster Academy or MWA is a beautiful school and all of the people here are beautiful too. Just like Amelia and Charlie, they all have a milky light color of skin and the girls have piercing green eyes with blonde or brown hair and the boys have piercing blue eyes and dark hair. Everyone here creeps me out; they're all staring at me as though I shouldn't be here.

"Jackson I didn't mean it!" One of the girls was wailing, the boy wasn't listening to a thing she had to say though. "Jackson, it was an accident I swear."

"How do you accidentally cheat on someone Kayliegh? That's what I thought." The girls shoulders slumped. I guess she knew she was defeated and walked away. 

The guy named Jackson turned around and boy was he handsome. Perfect jawline, black hair, green eyes, extremely tall, his muscles were basically begging for you to stare at them. This was my dream man. He was absolutely beautiful. Where did such a beautiful creation come from?

I walked passed him, I just hope I don't fall because that would be so embarrassing. It being my first day and all, I don't want to a have a nickname like Tripsie or something childish. The Jackson guy and I made eye contact, he smiled at me. It was nice. It wasn't one of those smiles that are forced and fake. It was a genuine smile that had warmth and depth behind it. 

The school was humongous, and it was a castle. Like seriously, a real castle. All of the students here wore uniforms too. Charlie and Amelia forgot to take me uniform shopping and so they called the school. The school was very quick to dismiss me having to wear a uniform, so much that the school told Charlie and Amelia if they wanted, I didn't have to wear a uniform for the rest of my going here. They asked me what I wanted and I told them I just wanted to be a normal kid who does normal things. The school offered to bring in some uniforms for me to try on and I told Charlie and Amelia that normal kids don't do that. So for just today, I am wearing as close to the school uniform as I can. A navy blue skirt, a white long sleeve dress shirt and a navy tie. 

"Come on in class." I walked into my AP Anatomy and Physiology class. This is probably of my favorite classes. Math of course is by far my favorite class, but A&P is a close second behind. Our teacher is beautiful. She doesn't have the typical blonde hair that all of the other teachers have. Hers is more of a strawberry blonde and her green eyes are so appalling I just can't help but stare. Her name is Mrs. Golden. Funny name if you ask me. "Ah yes, our new visitor. Everyone I would like you to welcome Princ- I mean Miss Valentina. I expect all of you to greet her kindly and with warmth. We wouldn't her parents to find out now would we?" She chuckled at her ending statement, as did all of the other kids. Why did she almost say Princess and what do my parents have to do with anything?

The rest of the day went to the same beat as first period. All of my teachers introduced me to the whole class, which I hated of course. And then they would all almost call me Princess. They all referred to my parents in one way or another and I am beginning to become very confused as to what is going on. 

After school got out I walked out to the front to see Amelia, Charlie and our principal Mr. Walkers talking. Amelia and Charlie did not look happy and Mr. Walkers looked like he belonged on the tv show Beyond Scared Straight. As I walked up I could tell their conversation was dwindling, whatever they were talking about, they didn't want me to know. Which is okay with me. I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't just a little curious but I am a child and they're the adults. 

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