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"Kitkat? You were waiting for me~" I teased him.

"Shut up. Our uber will be here soon." He grumbled.

"Oh you're so sweet~ Just admit it. You love me~" I teased again.


"It's ok, I love you too~" I made a kiss face.

"Tch. Don't say shit like that so easily!" His voice got louder again.

I gave him a cheeky smile and then our uber arrived. Pull up in a Sri lanka-


The car ride was surprisingly peaceful with the both of us just minding our own business.

The fact that I offered to split the price but kitkat demanded that he pay. So sweet of him~

What a tsundere~

Suddenly the car stopped.

"What happened?" I asked the driver.

"I'm so sorry! It seems that my tire has been punctured. I have to get my car towed now..."

"What?! I better get a refund!" Kitkat as rude as always.

"Yes sir I'm sorry sir!"


And with that now we're both walking the remaining 5 km back to school.

My ankle was starting to ache and get swollen from being untreated for this long.

"Why are we going so fast~" I whined.

That reminds me of the tiktok audio-

"You're just slow." Kitkat snapped at me.

The entire time I was just annoying him.

"No I'm not. You're just impatient-" I tripped on a tiny ass gravel stone.

I winced. Some of the skin on my knee got scratched off.

Noticing my wince, Kitkat worriedly turned around to check on me.

"You clumsy fuck." He chided as he took some tissues he had in his pocket and tried his best to clean the blood from my wound.

"I'm injured! I'm unable to move now, kitkat! Oh whatever shall we do?" I dramatically placed a hand on my forehead.


I was shocked to find that he had turned his back to me in a position as if he was waiting for me to mount his back.

"Kitkat? Is this actually you? What did you do to my kitkat?"

"Get on before I leave you here." He threatened.

I laughed as I climbed onto his back.

Hm 2 piggyback rides in a day. How nice.

I noticed his ears blushing pink.

Probably from all this exercise and the heat.

I leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"Thanks Katsuki..." I whispered sincerely.

Katsuki was secretly glad I couldn't see his face. He would die from embarrassment if I witnessed him blushing furiously from me saying his name.


"We're here." Kitkat woke me up.

I had dozed off at some point. I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked towards the school's entrance.

Our whole class was waiting anxiously and when they spotted us, most of them started waving frantically.

"Damn, yn you tamed the angry pomeranian- OMG SHE'S BLEEDING HELP HER!" Ashido started off joking but then started to freak out.

Suddenly a wave of anxiety and worry washed over the class. Lil cutie practically plucked me off of kitkat like as if I was as light as a Berry.

He sat me on the ground and knelt in front of me. Before he could do anything, the poor guy was shoved aside by Sero.

"Move aside I've got this." Sero took izu's spot on the ground and used his teeth to rip some tape from his elbow.

It worked well as a bandage. He was such a sweetheart, making sure that I was comfortable the entire process.

Once he was done he asked, "Can you walk?". He helped me up.

"Pftt of course I can! It's not like I broke my leg or anything~" I started making my way into school but after 2 steps it took all of my will power to prevent myself from wincing.

My sprained ankle by this point is hurting so much after going untreated for this long.

"Wait, your ankle... It's swollen." Kiri's hand wrapped around my arm stopped me.

I tried laughing it off but Kiri's worried expression made me give up.

"Ahah... I might have sprained my ankle..."

"WHAT?!" Denki looked like he was going to faint.

Was he the one who hurt himself or was it me-

I was then suddenly swooped up into kiri's arms.

He has some nice arms~ And now that I'm looking at him closer, he's hot as fuck.

"How manly of you~" I laughed as I pat his chest in thankfulness.

He has some nice man boobs too.

Oh? Why is he blushing?

"Why didn't you tell anyone?" I got distracted by Shoto's monotone voice asking me from beside kiri.

I merely flashed him a cheeky smile.

I think I should call kiri, prince charming now that shoto is my new sugar daddy.


After yesterday's event, our class has garnered a lot of attention from the public and especially, the media.

I think the other classes are starting to hate us even more now...

Jiki had walked me to school today and he was so worried when he saw my ankle this morning, it's hilarious.

He's so cute. My heart akahhskaka.

He tried multiple times to convince me to let him carry me. But I would never want to make Jiki have to carry my phatass.

Anyways, it's time for lunch but why isn't anyone leaving yet?

There was a humongous crowd of other students outside our class, preventing us from being able to leave for lunch.

Kitkat seems to have just ended an argument with a purple haired dude from another class.

"MOVE ASIDE EXTRAS!" And with that he was gone.

The purple dude from earlier was still there and as he glanced at me, I stared back at him.

I could tell this dude was a fellow insomniac. I like him.

He scrunched his eyebrows at me in distaste as his 'dead on the inside' eyes glared at me.

'Damn bro I know I'm hot but there's no need to stare-'

Before I could say my thoughts out loud, I felt a cold hand grab onto mine. I looked up to see a candy cane, no, shoto.

"Let's go." Candycane said as he pulled me with him and guided us through the crowd.

I smiled innocently at purple insomniac boy before leaving.

"Wah candy cane~ You're hand is so cold! It's perfect for this weather." I squeezed his hand and pulled myself closer to him.

Shoto's ears were tinted pink.


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