[ CHP 2 : missing member ]

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no, it can't be. he's dead.


[ third pov ]

time : 8:54 PM

while everyone was paying attention to the song and voice. sunghoon, who suddenly felt his stomach ache, sprinted to the bathroom to puke. completely ignoring who the singer was. heeseung on the other hand, who was unaware of his friend's situation had his eyes open so wide as if they would pop out of their sockets.

"damn, he's mesmerizing," he whispers to himself.

the band started to perform and handled the stage and audience well, despite the member currently missing from the scene.

"hey sunghoon, check out the— sunghoon?" when heeseung realized sunghoon was missing he panicked a little and started roaming the area to look for him.

sunghoon didn't know why his stomach was acting up JUST as the band was about to start, he quickly ran to the bathroom to barf. on the way, he reaches for a vacant stall, his body then got bumped by someone.

"ah— i'm so sorry, mister!"

the stranger quickly apologized, bowing lowly a few times to sunghoon who had his hand on his left shoulder. "it's—"

sunghoon was gonna let it go but he felt another sharp pain in his stomach. "fuck— i gotta go." he mumbled before turning his back and entering the stall that was just beside him.

after a while, he leaves the stall, quickly washing his hand and then face.

"i should've stayed home."

regret started to fill sunghoon, but it wasn't enough for him to ditch his buddy that was now looking for him.


after a good solid 10 minutes of scolding, heeseung fixes his hair. clearly stressed out by his friend. "maybe you should've stayed home."

"MY thoughts exactly while i was puking my organs out earlier." sunghoon replies, scratching his head in frustration.

"maybe don't drink alcohol tonight. just have some juice or water." heeseung states due to his concern for his friend.

sunghoon sighs, "I never planned to drink. i'll just go home." he replies, patting heeseung's shoulder. the elder had no choice but to let him go since sunghoon's state was not really the best.

with a nod, sunghoon walks away from him then towards the exit, but as he was walking into the crowd someone bumps him again. "seriously—"

then at that moment, sunghoon's world suddenly slowed down, maybe even stopping.

"ah i'm so sorry! I keep on bumping into someone, I didn't mean to...." those said words were blurry for sunghoon's ears.

the one standing in front of him could be known as his past fiancée.

that was currently dead.

"I..." sunghoon tries to let a word out but he can't help but get teary-eyed.

"sir? I'm sorry but I'm in a hurry, so do you mind..?"

after a few minutes of pondering, sunghoon then collects himself by shaking his head, "ah sure. I don't mind."

the latter then bows his head and leaves.

sunghoon's legs felt weak, he needed a chair to sit on. he quickly scans the area to find a seat which he succeeds.

he tried massaging his temples in order to process what he just seen earlier. no it can't be, he's dead

all of this was a rollercoaster to sunghoon's mind. but that did not stop him from looking for this very familiar face.

sunghoon pushes through the crowd, trying to find this one person. this person who looks exactly like his past lover. this person who looks exactly like jake.

where are you?

5 minutes have already passed and he still hasn't found this person yet.

he was starting to lose hope, until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

"yo sunghoon, why're you still here? i thought you left minutes ago." it was his friend, heeseung.

sunghoon didn't respond as his eyes were still looking around. the elder was surely confused but he was patient enough for sunghoon to answer him.

"uhm... no, nothing. just forgot something." he finally replies.

"oh okay, while you're still here I want you to meet the band that just played earlier."

the younger scoffs, "I don't have time for them dude. I wanna go home."

"come on! it'll only be 10 minutes, more or less."

"more or less—?!"


"nice to meet you! i'm the lead vocalist of our band. my name is yang jungwon." a hand extends out to sunghoon, he didn't really wanna take it but he still shook it to show respect.

"sunghoon." he firmly replies while crossing his arms, obviously showing he did not want to be there.

"i'm park jongseong, my friends call me jay." another hand extends out to him, but this time heeseung took it instead.

the band was a three member group but only two was presented to sunghoon, he didn't care how and why the other was missing but he sure noticed it.

"do you guys want any drinks?" heeseung offers.

"i'm down." jay replies then nudges jungwon. "alright i don't really drink but maybe just a little." the young singer responds.

sunghoon didn't know how heeseung was able to talk to the band and invite them for a drink but maybe it's just his ways

"great! I already have a vip table reser—"

sunghoon then tugs on heeseung's shirt and whispers, "hee, I'm really not in the mood tonight."

"but this is a one time experience..!"


"oh look! there he is." jungwon abruptly utters, which made the two turn their heads around.

sunghoon's eyes then widen. "b-ba...." he stutters under his breath as the latter  jogs towards them.

"hey yang, sorry i'm late I needed to take care of something." the boy scratches his nape in embarrassment.

"it's okay, we were just about to grab a drink and get to know these guys."

jungwon points to heeseung and sunghoon.

the boy then lays his eyes on them.

sunghoon quickly avoided eye contact. heeseung only saw this person now which made his jaw drop, but he instantly snapped back to reality and introduced himself.

"ah right— i'm lee heeseung! pleasure to meet you."

heeseung offers a hand which the other shook.

"hi, my name is lee jaeyun. call me jae."

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