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"Why ? Why does this all had to happen with me only ?"

Knock knock

??: Y/N come down fast dear, have your breakfast, don't you wanna go to college today ?

"Coming mom"

My mom called me for having breakfast with them, my father and my elder sister. My sister Iseul is 4 years older to me and she is married. Her husband had went on a business trip 2 days ago. She was feeling lonely at her home as she doesn't live with her in laws so she came here last night informing her husband.

And now its morning and I don't want to go to my college. But I can't even explain to my family that why I don't wanna go. And if directly I will say no then they will think that I must have been included in a trouble there.

But I'm scared to go to college again. They will bully me again. Urgh!! My life is a living hell.
Then not thinking much, I checked myself once in the mirror adjusting my uniform a little and then picked up my bag and moved downstairs.

"Good morning"

Mr. Shin: Gm dear come have breakfast with us.

My sister smiled at me and tapped on the chair beside indicating me to sit beside her.

My mom was serving the kimchi and fried rice she made for the breakfast.

Mr. Shin: So how is your college life going
Y/N ?

"Good dad"

Everyone of us had our breakfast and then my father dropped me off at my college.
I'm a medical student, wanna be a general surgeon. I'm in my second year of college.
I took a deep breath and walked inside.

I was walking towards the lockers but then I saw my bullies standing infront of my locker and smirking at me

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I was walking towards the lockers but then I saw my bullies standing infront of my locker and smirking at me. I can't even ignore them now and cannot sit inside the class without my books as well. I came out of my thoughts when I saw one of them coming towards my direction.

Taehyung: Hello nerdy

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Taehyung: Hello nerdy.. how are you this morning huh ? 😏

I remained silent.

Jungkook: Oh my y/nnie, c'mon say something baby 😏 oh wanna take your books from the locker ?

Taehyung: But Jungkook how will she take when she doesn't have the keys.

I got confused after hearing him. I checked inside my bag and I didn't found my locker keys in it. I got panicked and understood that they would have stolen it yesterday from my bag. I looked up at them and saw Jungkook playing with my lockers keys.

I rushed towards him to snatch my keys but Taehyung held my bag from behind preventing me to reach till Jungkook. I was trying my best to take my keys from him but Taehyung was so strong, but he suddenly left my bag and I fell down on the cold floor.

My tears rolled own my cheeks as i heard them laughing. Jungkook dropped the keys on the floor for me to pick it up and they both walked away. A shadow passed from beside my figure and I looked up.
It was a boy with blonde hairs. His height was a little less than Taehyung and Jungkook with whom he went. I never saw him in college I guess.

I wiped my tears, took out my books from the locker and rushed to attemd my first lecture.


I was peacefully eating my lunch alone

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I was peacefully eating my lunch alone. Yes alone. I have only social media friends from different cities. I don't have actual friends in my life. My family doesn't know about this. Its just nobody wants to be my friend. I don't know why.. maybe because I'm a nerd ? I want to become a successful surfeon for which i have to study hard. I can't roam around everytime and pass the time by chatting and hanging out.

Suddenly I felt that someone was watching me from far. Its not for the first time. Since the beginning of this semester I'm feeling like someone watches me, follows me everywhere, keeps an eye on my every activity. I shrugged it off again and continued munching my cheese sandwich.



??: Done staring ?

??: No..

??: Stop it Jimin, its been 3 months, you keep staring at Y/N from far.

??: We never wanted to bully that innocent girl but because of you we have to.

??: She is pretty tho..

Jimin glared at his friend and pointed a finger at him 👈 and said

Jimin: She is mine. Don't you dare lay your eyes on her

??: Jimin you know this Jungkook right.. every other girl for him is pretty.

Jungkook: Taehyung is right 😊

Jimin scoffed at his friends and again began to stare u. The way your lips were moving, hairs blowing, your eye movements, fingers taping on the table and your smile while scrolling down the phone.

Jimin: Who is making her smile like that ?
Do she have a boyfriend ?

Taehyung: No.. she usually stays away from boys, I don't think that she would be having a boyfriend.

Jungkook: She is yours anyway Jimin.

Jimin was still in his thoughts but then the bell rang for the next class. Jimin asked both of his friends to find out if you have a boyfriend. He glanced for the last time at u and them moved for his class followed by Jungkook and Taehyung.




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