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The week passes like this, Y/N didn't went to college this past week and took care of her parents. Gunmin (hyeong bu) took Iseul with him. He was worried for his wife so Mr. and Mrs. Shin did not refused. She was his wife afterall.


In evening, I was in the kitchen cooking some kimchi for myself and mom, Dad couldn't eat this, the doctor has prescribed him to eat porridge only and too only twice in a day

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In evening, I was in the kitchen cooking some kimchi for myself and mom, Dad couldn't eat this, the doctor has prescribed him to eat porridge only and too only twice in a day. So we give him that in brunch and dinner.

Mom came to me and started to help me with kimchi when we heard the door bell.

Mrs. Shin: Y/N please open the door.

"Yes mom."

I went to open the door and as I saw the person standing infront of me, my eyes widened.

"Mrs. Park !"

Mrs. Park: Yes Y/N, how are you ?

Mrs. Shin: Who is there Y/N
Mom asked from the kitchen.

Mrs. Park: Won't you let me in ?

"Huh ! N-no sorry I mean Yes ma'am, please come in please."


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Mrs. Park smiled at me and came inside. I ran inside the kitchen after locking the door and whispered in my mom's ear.

"My college trustee has came mom."

Mrs. Shin: What !!? What is she doing here ?

"What are you asking mom, c'mon make something for her and please come with me first, greet her."

Mrs. Shin: You go, I'm coming with a cup of coffee for her.

I nodded and ran back to the kiving room where Mrs. Park was seated on the couch. I nervously sat infront of her and awkwardly smiled. She chuckled watching me like this then she asked-

Mrs. Park: How is your studies going on Y/N ?

"F-fine ma'am."

Mrs. Park: And what about your father's health, is he okay now ?

"H-how do you k-know ma'am ?"

I was little shocked, that how did she know aboth my father's health. She was about to answer when mom came with her coffee.

Mrs. Shin: Good evening, ma'am

My mom smiled at her and she returned the smile.

Mrs. Park: Hello Mrs. Shin, how are you ?

Mrs. Shin: I'm fine ma'am.

My mom sat beside me and it all went silent again. Mrs. Park sighed heavily making me and mom confused and she started.

Mrs. Park: Look Y/N, I can't hide much for what I'm here today. I want to be fair and straight towards you. I'm here today, to ask for your hand for my son PARK JIMIN.

As I heard this, I felt numb, my heartbeat skipped, hearing that name. I definitely heard that name in our college but never saw him.
I looked at my mom who was staring at me as if I have done something wrong.

"W-what m-mom ?"

Mrs. Shin: Do you know her son ?


Mrs. Park understood by my mom's expression that where is she connecting this too so she objected inbetween.

Mrs. Park: No no Mrs. Shin, you are misunderstanding. My son likes Y/N, I don't think they ever met before.

"Y-yes mom"

Mrs. Shin: I'm really sorry ma'am but we are not ready as well as Y/N for this marriage.

Mrs. Park: Ma'am please, my son really like your daughter a lot, he will keep her like a Queen I promise, please don't reject him like that without-

Mrs. Shin: No please ma'am, you can leave from here and you Y/N, go to your room now.

I was just staring at my feet when suddenky my mom asked me to go back to my room. Mrs. Park was looking at me with her hopeful eyes but mom gripped my hand and pushed me back towards our staircase so that I can go back to my room.

Mrs. Park: Mrs. Shin pl-

Mrs. Shin: Ma'am please leave, we sent our daughter to college for studying not for making boyfriends. We want her to be a successful doctor and then we will arrange her marriage to a decent and successful man. Right now Y/N and your son both are in college and should focus on their studies and future not on getting married. So please you should leave.

Mrs. Park got teary, I was watching her while standing behind my mom. She tried her best to convince my mom but she didn't want to hear a single word more from her. Dad also came out from his room and tried to make mom silent.

Mr. Shin: Dear please, Mrs. Park we understand you but we don't want Y/N to get married now and we don't know your son too, we don't know that how will he keep our daughter.

Mrs. Park: Sir please, believe me, my son l-

Mrs. Shin: No ma'am we don't want to hear a single word more, leave from here.

I stepped back a little and ran towards my room upstairs. Mrs park called me twice, I heard her my mom pushed her out and closed the door.

 Mrs park called me twice, I heard her my mom pushed her out and closed the door

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I came inside my room and locked myself in. An unknown feeling was arising i side my heart just after I heard that name. Park jimin.

I lay down on my bed and closed my eyes. That name and Mrs. Park asking for my hand was ringing in my head.


I was trying to forget whatever happened downstairs while diverting my mind through completing my assignment when I heard that dark loud voice.





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