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Curled in a ball on the plush hotel suite sofa, Y/N's sobs echoed through the empty room long after Jimin's departure. Everything - his kindness, his touches, the way he looked at her - was it all a lie? Was she nothing more than a pawn in his elaborate game? Denial gnawed at her. No, he couldn't have meant it. Maybe it was a cruel joke, a test? But the raw vulnerability in his eyes when he'd confessed, the tremor in his voice - those couldn't be faked.

Meanwhile, outside the suite, Jimin sat slumped against the wall, his carefully constructed facade crumbling. Tears, hot and unexpected, streamed down his face as he listened to Y/N's heartbroken cries. Yes, he'd lied. Every stolen glance, every gentle touch, it had all been a carefully calculated act. He'd convinced himself it was for her own good, a shield to protect her from the darkness that clung to him. Using his mother as a weapon had been a low blow, even he knew that. He'd forgiven Y/N's family for their harsh words, but the memory remained, a festering wound.

A choked sob escaped his lips. "Why did it have to be us?" he rasped, his voice thick with despair.

In a surge of anger, he hurled a vase from a nearby console. The ceramic shattered on the floor, echoing the turmoil within him. Years of bottled emotion finally broke free, mixing with the tears that streamed down his face.

"Y/N, I'm so sorry..." he whispered, his voice raw with regret.

He ran a hand through his hair, frustration gnawing at him. He'd hurt the one person he cared for, the woman who'd unknowingly breached his carefully constructed walls. Just then, his phone rang, the shrill sound shattering the silence. It was an unknown number, but with a sigh, he answered, hoping for a distraction.

"Oh, babe," a saccharine voice purred, "got your little gift, huh? My revenge is complete, so... come to me daddy !"

Sarah's mocking words ignited a fresh wave of fury. He flung the phone across the hallway, its plastic casing cracking on impact. A manic laugh escaped his lips, a chilling counterpoint to the broken phone lying shattered on the floor.

"That damn psychic b-tch!" he roared, his voice laced with a dangerous edge.



Mature and Sensitive Content Ahead
(Mention of bl00d)

Sarah cackled, a sound dripping with venomous satisfaction. "Yes, finally," she purred, taking a long drag from her cigarette. "That Shin YN, such a naive little thing. Hook, line, and sinker, just like I planned."

Exhaling a plume of smoke, she slid down her robe, revealing the sinful gleam of her black bikini under the moonlight. The city lights twinkled below, reflecting off the water in her rooftop pool as she reclined. Her triumph was short-lived, however. The sound of approaching footsteps shattered the serenity, and her smirk faltered. She'd expected Jimin, not the two figures she found.

A strangled cry pierced the night. "Sarah! Help me!"

She whirled around, her wet hair fanning out as the splash of footsteps faded. Two figures emerged from the shadows, their faces obscured by masks. A slow reveal - and wow. Taehyung and Jungkook.

Sarah's eyes narrowed. "Who the hell are you?" she demanded, her voice laced with ice.

The boys laughed, a chilling sound. They peeled off the masks, revealing their handsome faces, now twisted with a hint of menace.

"I asked a question," Sarah hissed. "Who are you, and how did you get into my penthouse? Where are my gua-" Her voice died in her throat. "Lee?"

Lee lay sprawled on the floor, a crimson pool blooming around him. A tremor ran through Sarah as realization dawned - he was dead. Her gaze darted between the two figures, a cold dread settling in her stomach.

"Aish, sexy lady," Jungkook drawled, a playful glint in his eyes. "Why don't you just come out of the water? I'm curious to see you better."

Taehyung chuckled beside him, a deep rumble that sent shivers down Sarah's spine. Sarah ignored Jungkook's advances, her eyes searching desperately for a weapon. Her robe lay abandoned near their feet.

Jungkook, ever perceptive, followed her gaze and smirked. He strolled towards a nearby poolside chair, grabbed a bottle of alcohol, and doused Sarah's robe with the flammable liquid. Before she could react, he fired a single shot. The robe ignited in a blaze, leaving Sarah exposed and vulnerable.

"Hey!" Sarah shrieked, a mix of fear and fury twisting her features.

Taehyung's voice cut through Sarah's maniacal laughter. "Enough screaming, Hyejin. Come out."

The revelation of her real name sent a fresh wave of terror through her. Slowly, she emerged from the pool, her flimsy bikini clinging to her shivering form. Jungkook's eyes raked over her, his lips curling into a teasing smirk. Sarah scoffed, his advances repulsive in the face of her fear.

Clenching her soaking thighs together, she forced out a shaky question, the cold air biting at her exposed skin. "What now?"

Taehyung's voice was laced with steel. "How dare you hurt Y/N!"

Sarah's eyes widened. Her name. They were connected to Y/N. It all clicked - their intentions, their sudden appearance. Relief was a flicker before it died, replaced by a cold dread.

"Oh," she breathed, the beginnings of another manic laugh escaping her lips.

Before it could fully form, Taehyung lunged forward. Jungkook, playing a part, grabbed his arm. "Woah, hyung, let me have some fun too!"

But it was a charade. Sarah, momentarily distracted, didn't see the glint in Jungkook's eyes.

Two sharp cracks echoed through the night, two bullets finding their mark in her bare stomach.

Her laughter died on her lips, replaced by a gasp of pain. Tears welled up in her eyes as she clutched at her bl££ding stomach. Her body convulsed, then crumpled back into the pool, staining the water crimson.

Taehyung stared down at the lifeless form, a grim satisfaction etched on his face. "A true psychic b-tch indeed," he murmured.


Across the town, a notification buzzed on Jimin's brand new Samsung S24 Ultra. Fueled by a luxury alcoholic liquor, he stumbled towards it, his fingers fumbling on the screen. A picture filled the display - Sarah's lifeless body floating in the pool, her face contorted in a final sneer.

A humorless chuckle escaped his lips, a twisted mix of joy and despair. Revenge served, but at a terrible cost. Sarah was gone, but she'd taken Y/N's trust with her. The trust Jimin had so carelessly broken. She'd snatched Y/N away, leaving him with nothing but the bitter ashes of regret.




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