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Taehyung: You did what ?

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Taehyung: You did what ?

Jungkook: I just can't believe this.

Taehyung: Like seriously, you kissed her last night, and what about her, did she kissed you back ?

Jungkook: Nah !! She couldn't kiss you back, she might be so terrified.

Jimin: And how do you know this ?

Jimin asked while slamming his hands hard on his working table, he was quite angry on Jungkook as he speaks too much about his Y/N. Taehyung just rolled his eyes on his best friend's behavior, he is just beingtoo much possessive for his wife, to whom he is scared to confess his feelings.

Jungkook: Because we bvlly her for your sake Jimin, she is an innocent soul..

Jimin: HUH !!

Taehyung: He means innocent girl, stop being possessive.

Jimin: I asked you to bvlly her Tae, why you took him with yourself ?

Jimin was now fed up of Jungkook's interfering in his matters, he always takes Y/N's which isn't bad but Jimin thinks he cares more for Y/N as compared to him.

Taehyung: Two is better than one.

Jimin: Seriouly Tae..

Jungkook: Okay okay, stop glaring at each other, you kissed her and whatever was her reaction and what happened further, we are not interested Jimin, lets talk about our deal KANG..

Taehyung: Hmm.

Then the trio started to discuss about their mafia deals, when inbetween Taehyung got a call from his elder brother, he excused himself and went of Jimin's cabin. After a few minutes he came back barging inside Jimin's cabin making Jimin and Jungkook startled. He was breathing heavily.

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