13. Five Hunters

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~ Legolas is both furious and desperate to rescue Wynne but the trail is hard to follow. ~

13. Five Hunters

Grimly, Legolas released his last arrow, watching the orc slowly topple over as it pierced its windpipe. He shared a triumphant look with Bronedir. "Almost too easy."

He grinned, teeth flashing white in his tanned face. "An amateurish lot. You hurt?"

"Not a scratch."

"Same here."

Nodir joined them, putting a few unused arrows back into his quiver. He had the habit of pulling out several at once and sticking them into the ground for easy access. "Everyone alright?"

At their affirmative answers he looked relieved. He tended to be very protective of his brother.

Legolas left them and went to check on his adar and Galion, who as sword fighters took a greater risk.

Thranduil was wiping one of his swords on a dead orc's pants. Thankfully he looked unhurt; the only evidence of his recent fight was a few hairs in slight disarray.

"That will make it more dirty." Legolas used a light tone to hide his relief at seeing him alive and well.

"Are you injured, son?" His adar's features betrayed nothing so Legolas had to look at other cues to interpret his emotions: his hand clenching the sword handle; his strained voice; his eyes a bit too wide.

Thranduil may be an expert at hiding his emotions behind a blank face, but Legolas had become an expert at reading him.

"I am perfectly fine," he replied.

Thranduil's shoulders dropped an inch and he swiftly put the sword back in its scabbard. "And the others?"

"Fine too."

"Good. Let us return to the horses and tell the girl the good news."

They jogged over to where they had parted. The horses were nowhere to be seen; they must have run away like the last time they fought orcs, and Wynne was probably hiding in the tall grass somewhere.

Nodir stopped abruptly. "We are here."

"What do you mean, here?" asked Legolas.

"This was where we left Wynne and the horses."

A chill trickled down his spine. Empty. The place was completely empty.


It was Bronedir who finally found a clue about what had happened. "The grass is flattened here with several broken stems. Someone must have sat here for a while – very likely her. There are horse tracks nearby."

Riding With the Elves // Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now