51. Love and Desire

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~ Wynne has a very pleasant morning, and learns a shocking truth about Gimli. ~

51. Love and Desire

Waking up next to a warm, sleeping elf was just as wonderful as Wynne had dreamed. Despite the slight urgency to get up before her maid came in she lingered in bed, reveling in the memories of yesterday night.

Thranduil had left the feast early and with him away Wynne and Legolas had felt free, unchecked by his constant disapproval. They had stolen several kisses under the honeysuckle, talked, danced, and enjoyed much amusing banter with their friends. In the small hours Legolas had followed her to her room, more than a little drunk.

"This is not my room," he had observed, gaze somewhat unsteady when she pushed him onto her bed.

"No it's mine."

"Oh. This smells nice." He sniffed her pillow, drawing in her scent just like that time when she borrowed his tent.

"You smell nice." She rubbed her nose against his collarbone, feeling the enchanting scent of him, mingled with the aroma of his herbal hair oil and a hint of wine. When she kissed him she tasted it as well, sweet and fruity on his mouth and tongue.

Their kisses that night had been the most passionate they had yet shared; neither of them stopping to think, just allowing instinct to take over. Their hands had roamed each other's bodies at will as their lips moved in unison, closer and more intense than ever, leaving them breathless and flustered every time they surfaced for air.

Legolas had then brushed over her neck with his lips, trailing light pecks down to her decolletage and buried his face in the cleft between her breasts. His lips sent currents of heat through her and she wriggled beneath him.

While he was occupied with her cleavage she had combed through his hair with her fingers and continued to his ear, pinching it.

He drew in a sharp breath. "If you keep doing that I shall pull up your dress and take you here and now," he threatened.

She let his ear go. He wouldn't really do it, though... would he? Warmth surged through her body when she pictured it.

"Naughty elf... Speaking so daringly to a lady!" She loved it.

"Well, if you were a gentleman I wouldn't be interested in doing that, so..."

His words had made them both through a fit of laughing, breaking the tension.

Shortly afterwards they had fallen asleep, tired from all the wine and laughter. That was probably for the better; every time they were together like this they went further, and it became increasingly harder to resist the point of no turning back.

Riding With the Elves // Legolas x OCWhere stories live. Discover now