¹ˑ|"𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐂𝐚𝐥𝐥."

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A/n: This is exactly what it says in the description. Eddie has a son and decides to take him to Derry!! Hopefully, you enjoy this little au just as much as I do!!:))



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"Eddie, it's not safe to drive when the roads are slick like this." Myra, his wife hisses. Eddie holds back a sigh.

Or groan.

He can't tell which, and honestly, it's probably both.

Ever since he and his wife had their son, Elijah, she had gotten a little more overbearing than she used to.

Before, when the two had just gotten together, he thought it was sorta sweet that she had been so worried over him.

But then the years went by, and she got worse. Eddie brushed it off, thinking it was just how she was, until she had gotten pregnant.

It had shocked him to his core.


A father?


Not only that but they had also fucked once. Which to be fair, they should have worn protection but Eddie supposes then he wouldn't have had his amazing and very funny son to keep him company.

"Sweetheart, it's not raining like three hours ago. Alright? Everything's gonna be fine -" he was cut off by a taxi honking while driving by.

"Hey! Dickhead, flow of traffic mean anything to you?!" he curses out his window at the still beeping taxi driver.

"And what if you hydroplane?!" she insisted.

"I'm not gonna hydroplane!!" he takes a deep breath.

"It is my job to assess risks so please trust me when I tell you that statistically speaking I am much more likely to get into an accident because I am talking to you on the phone!!"

He inhales again.

"Alright? I have to go- I will talk to you soon, goodbye." he hangs up but shortly after he does his phone starts ringing once more.

"Edward Kaspbrak speaking" He smiles even though he knows the caller wouldn't be able to see him.

"You didn't say 'OK, Bye, I love you' like you usually do." his wife's voice cuts in.

He immediately feels his anger bubbling up again "Listen to me! I can't- I'm gonna be late to this-"

Before he can finish his rant another call comes in and he looks down to see the caller ID.

Reading "Derry, Maine" He is suddenly hit with a wave of memories of his hometown.

Memories of children, whose faces he can't quite place, laughing.

Memories of a quarry.

Of a warm smile.

Of bright fiery red hair.

Of a silver bike.

Of blonde tight curls.

Of a bloodied rock.

Of glasses and dark curly hair.

And of his mother.

All these snippets of memories caused him to get into a bit of a daze.

He didn't even realize his mouth was moving until he heard himself mutter out a small "meeting.." as soon as he lets the word slip past his lips his wife's voice immediately cuts in.

"Say I love you, Eddie."

All he can think of is his mother and how he grew up with her.

His mind was flooded with memories of his mother reminding him to "Be careful, Eddie-bear, you don't want to have an asthma attack." , "Oh, Eddie-bear you can't go outside- You're allergic to-"

He stares at the screen for far too long and realizes he should reply,

"Okay..I love you, mommy."

Before he can realize what he's said he hears "What." snapping him out of his little daze he corrects himself, "Myra." "Bye."

He hangs up not wanting to talk with the woman any longer and answering the next incoming call. "Hello?..Who's this?" His voice shakes.

He doesn't understand why but it does.

And he's nervous.

Super nervous.

Like his throat is closing up and his chest is caving in and he needs his inhaler and- "It's me,..Mike." the voice on the other line interrupts his spiraling thoughts "Mike who?" he asks.

And before he can get an answer suddenly there is a long honk and then he's been crashed into.

"Eddie! You ok?!" Mike asks.

"Yeah, I'm pretty good!" Eddie replied.

His breath is shaky and very uneasy.

He feels like he's about to throw up.

He just crashed his car.

Fuck, Myra isn't gonna be happy about that. Eddie sighs heavily and tells the man on the other side to hold on for a minute.

Thankfully, he doesn't complain. Eddie hangs the call up and climbs out of his car, waving and apologizing to the taxi who had T-boned him.

After calling for a mechanic, Eddie stands in the waiting area of the shop and calls the number back while holding his breath.

"..Hello?" he asks,"Eddie?" "Yeah.. It's me.." he mutters out."Do you remember who I am?" The man asks.

He thinks.

He tries to think about back when he was a kid.

Back when, apparently, as his mother said, "Things had been easier."

But all he got was static.

It was like his brain was blocking out any and all memories of whenever he was sixteen and under.

"I..it's fuzzy?..What'd you say your name was?" He answered,"Mike. Mike Hanlon"

The man - No, Mike, had answered.

"Oh." He murmurs.

Mike tells him about how he and his friends, the Losers Club, had all been best friends until one by one they had all moved and soon,..


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