⁴ˑ|"𝐁𝐚𝐝 𝐍𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭."

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A/n: Wattpad was being an asshole so uploading this was a bitvh and a half so pls be grateful for me even posting this/j
But fr tho- This chapter is basically shit hits the fan and things start escalating which means that the story is basically beginning yaay!!! ENJOYY





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That night did NOT go well. It was absolutely horrendous. Eddie was firstly, terrified- but most importantly- very pissed off.

Everything started off great in Eddie's opinion! It started with Eli asking Richie a ton of questions and of course Richie being the nice guy he is, answers any and all questions Eli has for him.

Which, ok, was super sweet of him and had Eddie's heart strings tugged a bit because no one really treated Eli like that other than Eddie.

It made Eddie realize that they were safe here. With people who actually understood them.

That is..

Until the last of the dinner happened.

Everyone had gone quiet when IT was brought up, Eli not understanding tried asking his dad, being nosey as always Eddie had thought distantly.

But what came next was terrifying. The fortune cookies came out and it was all downhill from there.

And fuck did Eddie regret everything when he saw the scared look on Eli's face. He had looked close to tears, his breath caught in his throat and he stood there unable to move.

Before he could even mutter out a small "Dad?" One of the spider-baby-fucking-faced-creatures had jumped at him and Eddie couldn't help but jump and grab Eli out of the way before it can climb onto his face and do who knows what to him.

The grip Eddie had on Eli was intense and as soon as Eddie pulled Eli into his chest, arms wrapped securely over the boy and into the far corner of the room with Ben- He felt Eli tighten his grip on his shirt.

In that moment, Eli sobbing into his chest, shaking, and gripping onto for dear life.

Eddie knew.

Knew he should've never came fucking back.

Soon after the whole ordeal had died down and they left, Richie yelled at some kid, which in hindsight was understandable, considering that after all they've been through.

After going outside and getting some breather, Eddie had taken to pacing.

He usually did it when he was stressed out or feeling anxious. It was like a shorter way of running.

Which Eddie liked to do, it helped his nerves. He just had so much energy in him that he didn't know what to do with it.

But when he saw that distant look in Eli's eyes and his hands fiddling with his oversized T-shirt, he knew he should comfort his son.

He grabbed his arm and pulled him into his chest again, softly combing his hand through the thick head of curls.

He knows Eli hadn't showered in about a week but in all honesty his son's well being mattered more than the germs living on him right now.

He heard Beverly's voice talking with Mrs Uris, Patty, over the phone but couldn't make out exactly what she was saying.

And suddenly his son's shaking shoulders jolted him from his thoughts and he was reminded that he was mad.

Kissing his son's head and giving him a look over, Eli gave a small sniffle and wiped his face. Eddie's brows furrowed and he turned to Mike.

"You lied to us. That's not okay!" He said moving both his hands at the man standing in front of him.

He was honestly livid. If he knew that there would be a killer clown from his childhood, he wouldn't have come back.

Especially with his sweet son, who had absolutely nothing to do with this.

He grabbed Eli's hand as soon as Richie spoke up. "Yeah, first words out of your mouth should've been like "Hey, man you wanna come to Derry and get murdered?" 'Cause then I would've said no." His words sounded sharp.

Like he was trying to cut Mike with them.

Eli put his hand to his mouth to suppress a giggle, not being able to be in serious situations.

Eddie dragged his spare hand through his hair and tried to even his breathing. Looking at Eli to make sure he was doing ok.

He looked honestly exhausted, which came from Eli? Wasn't something good. Eddie placed his hand on his son's head and placed his forehead on his head.

"Im fine, dad- I should be checkin up on you from all that screaming you were doing-" The younger mumbled so that only Eddie could hear him.

Rolling his eyes and scoffing Eddie was about to respond until he heard Bev and Patty talking. Patty said how Stanley had died. Fuck.

Jesus, fuck they should not be here. God fucking damnit what was Eddie thinking.

Getting worked up again he let go of Eli and walked away a bit and then walked back, pacing a bit.

"Stanley." He says, Bev lights a cigarette, Eddie bites back the urge to tell her not to smoke around his son.

"Pennywise knew- He knew before we did!" He punctuated his sentence with his finger and moved his hand up and down.

"We have to stop him!-" Mike gets out like he's been trying to say something this whole time but had just gotten the courage to speak.

Eddie understood.

But at the same time I was too mad. "I have a plan-" He starts but Richie cuts in "I gotta plan- Gettin the fuck outta dodge before this ends worse than one of Bill's books, Who's with me?"

He raises his hand at the end.

Eddie quickly raises his as well, slowly followed by Eli.

"We made a promise to each other-" Mike starts again but is cut off once more "Lets UN- Lets unmake the promise!" "Richie, other people are gonna die." Ben says.

"Other people die every day, man! We don't own this town shit! PLus I just remembered I grew up here like- Two hours ago! So I'm fucking leaving! Fuck this!"

Richie rants and walks off by the time he finishes, walking to his car. Eddie does the same and grabs Eli's hand gently in the process.

"Sorry, man, I'm with Richie-" Eddie mumbles and starts to walk off to his car. "Eds, please-"

Mike looked pitiful but Eddie had made his mind up.

"Listen, what, we stay, we die, that's it? I'm gonna go back to the inn, pack up my shit, and drive to my home. I'm sorry, man- Good luck!"

He said, punctuating his words with his hands now on Mike's shoulders, leaving again to walk to his car with his son in toll.

"Eddie- Please- Eddie, wait!" Mike shouts but Eddie's already fast walking to his car with a small grip on Eli's wrist.

Jumping in his car and starting it up. Squealing off.

He heaved a sigh "Fuck, Eli, I'm so sorry- I didn't mean for anything of this to happen or to drag you into any of this crazy bullshit and-" He quickly tries to explain to his son before Eli places his hand on his dad's arm.

Squeezing just a bit, he replies "It's ok, dad I know you didn't mean to- Plus it's pretty bad ass yaknow?-" He smiled.

He knew Eli wanted to know.

But he couldn't tell him yet.

Couldn't tell him how he forgot about his friends, and about so much other shit.

So he sighs and gives Eli a smile. Heading back to the inn to go pack up their shit.

Tonight's been wild.

He hopes nothing else too crazy happens

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