²ˑ|"𝐑𝐨𝐚𝐝 𝐓𝐫𝐢𝐩."

18 1 4

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Eddie had remembered a good portion of his childhood.

Not a whole lot, but enough to know that he did, in fact, have childhood friends that he'd love to reconnect with.

Not to mention, he feels as though he's compelled to go.

Like he's supposed to.

He thinks it over and kinda quickly decides that, yes, he's going.

So Mike had told him that he was going to host the meet-up at some Chinese restaurant in town called Jade of the Orient or some shit.

He thought about his childhood.

Mainly about how his mother had tried to ruin any and all fun he could've had when he was younger, which soon led to him thinking of Myra and then...


He couldn't leave Eli with Myra. He knows how bad she'll get if he just up and leaves the city.

So he went over the pros and cons of taking Eli with him.

Soon, there were way too many cons for leaving Eli here, so Eddie had decided that he was going to snatch his son up from school and take a little road trip.

Once he had gotten a replacement car, he stopped by his and Myra's apartment and grabbed everything he and Eli needed.

Myra had followed him around and demanded he answer her, but he simply stared at her and then left.

After he went by his son's school and called saying that Eli was being picked up.

Some excuse like 'Late family vacation' or something, and they let him out.

Of course, this caused confusion in his small hellspawn, leading to a whole buttload of questions he didn't feel up to answer, so he simply said,

"We're going on a little road trip to go visit some old friends of mine." and turned on the radio so both him and his son would be able to somewhat relax.

Sooner or later, Eli had grabbed the aux cord Eddie had in the glove department and put on a playlist of songs the two of them listened to whenever they had their own rides.

Myra never liked Eddie's taste in music, but Eli loved hearing what music his father listened to.

After a while, Eli had started to doze off, and Eddie let out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

He was so tense.

He sighed, giving his son a quick glance, and saw how his dark brown curls fell into his face.

His mouth opened slightly, and soft snores could be heard coming from the short boy.

He smiles softly and turns his attention back to the road.

He remembers back when Eli was younger, about 6 or 7, and how he would always be stuck by his dad's side.

Eli was always trying to get his dad to laugh in some way. And Eddie appreciated him for it.

If it wasn't for Eli, he doesn't know if he'd even be able to get through life.

Eddie mostly raised the boy, considering Myra always had her head too far up her ass to notice what was going on with her son.

Eddie remembers how he was the first one to know that Eli was transgender.

How much Eli had trusted him.

Though, when he did come out, he was super young, and he didn't even realize he had come out.

Eddie had been making dinner after work while Myra was out with some friends that day, and Eli had just got off school.

Eli was talking about his day and how 'awesome' It was until he heard the small brunette start talking about how "The teacher thought I wasn't a 'strong young man' To move those desks! I'm plenty strong, aren't I, dad?!"

He had raised his voice just a tad, knowing the rules about inside voices.

Eddie had stopped what he was doing and turned around looking at his now son, then daughter, with incredible confusion written all over his face.

"But - You aren't a boy?" He had questioned. "Yeah, huh, dad! I'm a strong boy!!" He exclaimed. Eddie had handled the situation very well, in his opinion.

He had asked questions about what he meant, and Eli explained in clear detail that he was a boy, but he wished that he looked more like a boy than a girl.

Eddie told him that it was ok and that he loved him and sent him on his way. Later that night, researching it and finding it was called 'Transgender', and he read all the articles, analytics, and all that fun stuff.

He promised that no matter what, he'd love and support his son and protect him from any hate someone throws at him.

Not expecting that someone to be his own wife had led to multiple fights and late nights on the couch.

He only wished safety for his son. And him being with Myra was not that.

Reminiscing on the past, Eddie didn't even realize how late it had gotten.

He sighed and kept driving, dreading the long drive to Maine.

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