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The next few weeks were weird, we texted every day, had lunch together but never got to meet much outside of our 9-5. I finally got out of my habit of calling her "Ms. Hedgehog" although her natural beauty almost commanded a proper address. It was rewarding to know she worked two buildings next to me and on one of our lunch dates we made us official.
I loved her so much, she was so radiant and glowed so much more since we became official, I cut back on all the alcohol consumption and worked out more. Soni seemed to really be attracted to my physique but more so my dreads, it was pretty cute actually, she'd bury her face in them whenever we met up.
Soni was attractive no matter what, but she had the perfect body, ample bosom, thicken hips and a plush ass that was perfect for grabbing and smacking. I wouldn't smack it until I knew she was comfortable with it, but I did get to grab it. Enough to make me bite my lip.
After more publicity together some coworkers of mine came to me to warn me about the female hedgehog that worked two buildings over, I guess they thought I was playing games with her to wait this long to want to say something, when I told them a few days ago we were official they all gave me looks. I listened to their warnings out of curiosity, they were all idiots and acted like college frat boys mixed with high school gossip girls.

"Yo Knucks! We all saw you are STILL with that blue bombshell, did ya plow her yet?  She is the only office secretary on the upper levels, she makes great money, but she does extra things for that raise, everyone that works those upper levels get a piece of that juicy ass of hers. I've considered getting a job over there to get some but if you are still seeing her maybe I shouldn't... She's just using you ya know? I'm pretty sure she's just using you as a cover to make herself look good. Oh, but like I've heard she has some serious mental issues and can't keep a man, I'd just get your dick handled and move on. You're trying for something though huh? Good luck with that whole dating thing Red heh!"

What were they on about? These were my closest friends they wouldn't lie about this type of thing, right? Soni was a total sweetheart and never did anything to make her a suspect, plus I wasn't going to judge if she did sleep around, I did the same thing until I met her.
"Vec? Espio? You guys can't be serious! Soni is a complete sweetheart what makes you think she's a pump and dump? Or even just a play toy? You guys realize she has kids, right? I'm sure she's not bringing guys home to them nor getting plowed in the office. Ugh... If you all knew her like I do you'd know she's all about family."
After arguing with them over this they left and I decided to head over to the parking garage and just wait around for her, she should be getting off of work soon, I wanted to ask her about it, but would it be fair? I don't' want to make her uncomfortable. I heard some yelling on my way up followed by some scuffling.
"I've had enough! I told you guys to stop touching me, I can't take this stress anymore, I will go to the cops! H-Hey get your hands off of me! Stop! I said stop it! Mmpf!"

"Oh, shut up Soni! You act like you don't like this, you've put out for everyone for years, we just want some more baby~ The cops won't believe you and going to the top won't help you either, you're just a piece of meat. Now just stay still and take it... O-Oh shit. Hey! you hit her head off the wall dude if someone hears us or sees us, we... Someone is coming. Bail. Bail!"
My coworkers covered my mouth and grabbed my arms and held them behind my back, while trying to break from their grip one of them accidently pushed me against the wall. My head hit hard, and face scraped enough to make my cheek bleed, they panicked and dropped me on the ground, my vision was extremely blurry, and everything started getting dark. The sound of footsteps disappearing and a single pair approaching, I was picked up off the ground and held in someone's arms, the smell was so familiar... Knuckles? My vision slowly came back and all I could do was cry, I couldn't handle the workplace sexual harassment anymore but, where else was I going find a job like this? Something I could live comfortably with my kids and help them all get through college when the time came, I needed to do something to save myself from it but what? Knuckles carried me over to my car and set me down in the backseat, he shut the door which caused my anxiety to spike, disorientated, I scrambled around the backseat trying to find my way out. I was having seriously bad PTSD from when Shadow dumped me in the back seat, my heart was beating out of my chest and I could barely breathe, then a hand was placed on my cheek.
I froze. 

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