Mini Chapter: The Proposal

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Lara had been pushing, her kids were demanding with their looks, I was nervous and Soni? She was never pushy or demanding, she was sweet and kindhearted, only wanting to give me her love. I always gave her that love, in any form I could, gifts, kisses, hugs, cuddles or sex. Which I sometimes felt so bad, Soni was so delicate and small that due to my massive size I sometimes crushed her or got a little too carried away with my primal instinct. Soni never said anything about it causing a PTSD breakdown or it is hurting her, but those small whimpers told me everything I needed, I really should be more careful.
We've known each other for 4 years as of today. I was going to make today the day I propose to her. I met with her for lunch and invited her out for a date night in the park, just like when we first proclaimed our love for each other.
"Soni~ It's so good to see you! So, I was thinking... Tonight we should have a date night at the park, some wine and crackers and cheese just like our first date I-"

I finished shoveling some noodles in my mouth before I leaned across the table and kissed Knuckles on the lips, wanting to go on a date on our anniversary was so sweet, I was going to just have a cuddle on the couch date, but this idea was so much better. Knuckles always turned a bright shade of red when I kissed him, it always made me giggle and it did just that, I accidentally dribbled broth out my mouth.
"Hahah~ Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to spit my broth out hahah~ Of course I'd love to go to the park with you tonight, I'll dress extra cute for you! Hm? Oh, I got to get back to work, heeyyyyy can I get that cake to go?! I love you so much baby, I'll see you tonight sugar~!"
I slurped down my noodles and kissed Knuckles again before flying up out of my seat and hurrying over to get my giant slab of chocolate cake, before heading out the door and back to work. 
I was so excited for work to end, I sat in bliss for the rest of my day eating cake and simply ignoring the guys around me, even tripping one of them as they tried to touch me. I put in the two months' vacation on that day and regardless of if my boss said yes, I was leaving to spend more time with my love. Getting home with my approved time off I began getting ready for the night, my heart was racing with excitement, Knuckles and my kids were my life and for the first time in a very long time, I was extremely happy. I showered, picked out a long flowy red dress that showcased my assets, pulled my quills up in a messy bun and slipped on my black heels, I said goodnight to the kids and asked Lara to watch over them, taking a deep breath I got into my car and drove to the park.
I got out and walked up the little hill to see knuckles all prepped on a picnic blanket, standing there in black slacks and a blue tucked in button up shirt, the sun was setting and his smile glimmering simply got me to melt. I took his hand and kissed his nose, it was pointy and soft, always wet with excitement, I love him so much!

I left work and went home to clean up, Soni was going to have me at my absolute best, I stared at myself in the mirror, my 5o clock shadow, Soni loved it, and I didn't mind but I was full on cleaning up for her, I shaved it off and redid my locks for her, got dressed in something nice but simple. I prepped the little box and shined the ring; the engagement ring was a simple silver band with a small diamond with a drip of blood in it. I'm sure she's going to ask but it's a custom Echidna tradition which I always thought was rather sweet, I packed everything and left to set everything up for her, when she arrived, I gasped at just how gorgeous she was, when she walked up and grabbed my hand my heart felt like it was going to explode. The sunset made those emerald pools sparkle and I just wanted to jump right in and swim forever, that gentle smile made me blush every single time, we sat down together while I poured us some wine, she cuddled up to me while holding her glass close to me, her warmth, it was like my own personal ray of sunshine. 
We spent the night kissing on each other, giggling at each other's jokes and stories and just star gazing all night long. I got some people to play some live music and set some fireworks off to really captivate her, when I had her full attention I turned and pulled the small box out, pulled it open and nervously asked.
"Soni... You have brought a bright light into my life that I thought I'd never see again, you and my daughter, it has really helped turn my life around, I love you so very much my dear, will you... Will you marry me?"

This is had been one of the best nights in such a long time, the sky was beautiful, the local musicians playing such delicate music and the fireworks oh the fireworks so sparkly I absolutely fell in love with them then Knuckles turned and got on one knee, grabbing my hand and asking me to marry him, I never thought I'd hear those words ever again, I didn't think he loved me more than just a forever girlfriend but, my love was strong, OUR love was strong. I could feel my tears roll down my cheek and my body trembling in joy, I loved him so very much.
"Knuckles...Yes! Yes! A thousand times yes! M-My life isn't complete without you, ah I'm so glad we can have these moments... Oh I love you so much!"
After he slipped the ring on, I launched myself into his arms, he embraced me and we rolled around the blanket having a strong moment of intimacy before we decided to wrap it up, we took the love back to my house and had the most mind-blowing sex ever and soon planned our two months together. Trips out of the area, sightseeing in the local areas, and even a trip to a tropical island, we were inseparable for those two months, Lara was excited for the wedding next year, the other kids were excited in their own ways and Knuckles worked to sell his house and move in with me.

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