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A nice 2-month vacation with my love, he proposed on a dinner date in the park and of course I said yes! I never wanted to be out of his arms, always making me feel safe and happy, getting to be closer with my kids who happily opened up to him although with some hesitation.
Getting back to work I was called into my boss's office the moment I walked in, I hated dealing with him face to face but maybe I would finally be heard in my complaints against all the sexual harassment or maybe a new coffee maker, now that would be nice, I don't ask for much but it would be nice to just make coffee here and not go across the street every day for 5 floors worth of people.
I looked myself over before going in his office not wanting to look so happy, I swear sometimes he could sense that and crush it immediately. I touched up my make up I walked into his office and sat down in the plush chair across from him, crossed my arms under my chest and looked at the ground, he was a womanizer too, but he at least kept his hands to himself. I glanced up really quick to see his cold red eyes piercing my soul so I quickly looked away, Mr. Jack was not easy to deal with and he was rather intimidating but anyone who was over 6 feet tall would be, he was such a powerful man that any issue he came across was always quickly dealt with, with money or murder.
"Y-You wanted to see me Mr. Jack. Did something happen? Are you mad I was on vacation for 2 months? You said I could have it! Wait...Was it about those reports being late before I left? I told them to turn those papers into me no later than 2 but apparently, I'm just a big joke to them, or in their case a plaything since SOMEONE won't help me! Ah...! S-Sorry..."
His chair flung backwards, I closed my eyes in a panic, SLAM. He slammed his hand down on his desk and appeared right in front of me. Those burning red eyes petrified me, I jumped, my little heart racing at Mach speeds, I wanted to run but as the thought crossed my mind, he moved closer to my face and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Soni. I hope you had a fun vacation, I however, did NOT. Those sexual harassment issues decided to rear its head again with the board. I'm sick of you reporting it. ...A lucky man. I've heard rumor you are engaged with a nice man from a sister company a few buildings over, yes? I know of him. Hes pathetic. A sloppy drunk. Meat head. You really want to trust him with your kids? Sure, they are older, but kids will do anything for a father figure... He's disgusting. You aren't much better Soni but, I can change all that for you."

 He gripped my shoulders and forced himself on top of me, shoving his tongue down my throat before pulling back and dragging our saliva to my neck, biting down hard on the soft spot between my shoulder and collar bone, I was completely frozen, my mind flashing back to when I was with Shadow.
He followed this pattern almost exact. Unbuttoning my shirt, he moved his hands down and groped my chest, I snapped out of it and pushed him off of me, but he retaliated with a grip to my jaw, pulling me up to his eye level. I was petrified. This was the exact level of fear and control Shadow put in me to make sure I obeyed him, I couldn't afford to lose this job but I also couldn't afford to lose Knuckles, he was the love of my life, we were engaged, I couldn't go to prison and leave my kids behind all because i snapped and beat up man, what was I going to do?

"Listen here Soni. You will do what I want when I want it. What I WANT is you. You are so beautiful. I had to watch you suffer day in and day out, acting like a little slut for some time but trying to push away your desires for your kids, I want to give you that. The life you want for your kids, everything paid for, and you can always be home with them."

"N-No... Get off of me! I'm going to the police; I won't be harassed like this anymore! I-I you can't do this to me, I need this job... My kids are my life, I've sacrificed so much for them...I've almost died for them. I will. My kids will always come before me, I've lived a life not long, but I've lived. Please stay off of me or I'll-!"

"I'm obsessed with you. I've watched you for years. That news of you throwing your life away to some drunk idiot made me go insane, I simply needed to protect you. You WILL be quiet about this, if you slip up and expose me in anyway, I'll ruin your life. Fired. That stupid echidna will go down with you too. I know about the medicine you take, you are a psycho, I'll simply have you locked up. Think about your actions carefully, leave him, if he tries to hurt you, i'll get you both put away. A precious little hedgehog, so defenseless..."

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