The audio messages

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I ran up to Soni, sat her up an took her shirt off, then flipped her to her back. Her little heart was racing but she wasn't really exhaling any of her energy, I froze when I inspected her more. Soni was covered in marks, bruises and scars and what looked like a fresh mark on her face. My blood began to boil. What sort of bullshit was this? What was going on at her work? I sat with her an rubbed her ears for a few minutes to see if it would help calm her down, good enough luck for me her heart slowed down a bit and was in a much more manageable state. I should have gone to the police, she wouldn't have been in this situation, she was so frail, what caused her to spiral this bad? 

I walked in the room and handed my dad a few things, I felt sick to my stomach handing him these things, but something wasn't right. Momma wasn't mentally right since her accident, the doctors but her on so many medications to keep her stable and from what I knew she was happy with it.
"Dad? I'm scared... I found months and months of unopened medication, a gun and her phone, I think someone was trying to kill her. Her phone has a bunch of saved audio messages should we listen to them? It might give some insight..."
Dad agreed. I sat on the floor and moved close to him and hit play on the first message, the day she went back to work, the audio quality wasn't great as if it was recorded on accident. Some guy seemingly assaulted her and was holding her hostage to want to marry her, calling dad a sloppy drunk and calling her insane. It was recorded almost weekly with nothing but forcing himself on her, many of them her just crying and begging for it to stop. It wasn't until 1 months in out of the 8 that it started getting more concerning and more like momma was purposely recording, she had plans to get him in trouble. She was trying to free herself.

"Morning...Would you like me to get started on the Topaz report I- Get off of me!"
"Soni. Your body disgusts me. It's from all your terrible eating habits and your medicine, you need to fix that. I won't marry someone like that and even if I didn't want you, I'm sure that filthy echidna wouldn't want to marry that."
"Uh... Uhm... I'm actually already underweight, I've been eating more to put on weight so I look healthier, and I really shouldn't be off my medications, It's the only thing keeping me mentally stable I-"
"That's not what I said. Its pudgy and gross. Fix. It. That medicine doesn't help you, you're insane regardless of whether you take it or not, I've seen you stare at the walls, and I've seen you drooling over yourself, you're a mental mess. Now go lose the weight. I'll know if you continue your ways, don't forget, any slip ups and you go down with that echidna. "

"3 months of this. I've lost 15 pounds, I can't eat anything more than a bit of bread or salad and if I do I throw it up, I haven't been on my medication since that day. I keep seeing things, hearing things, feeling things, I just want Knuckles. I don't want to work anymore I just want to be home with him and stay close with my kids, all I can do is push them all away."

"G-Get off of me! you're hurting me! Ah...Ah... What the hell is wrong with you?!"
The sounds of screaming and crying echoed in the message, followed with a hard smack and thud, muffled crying and a small struggle continued. 

"Don't you dare touch me like that! You psycho bitch! I'll have you locked in an asylum if you dare hit me again! I know you are still seeing that echidna, I thought I told you to give it up. Hes a disgusting lowly drunk and you, while stupid, are a perfect woman. Ge your shit together and LEAVE HIM."

There was many of the audio clips resulted in the same things, it was all incriminating evidence that Soni was in severe danger, but why wouldn't she come forward if it was this bad? Was she scared of being sent to an asylum or losing her job? What did that guy even mean about "going down with the echidna"? How did he even know me? How was he going to take me down? Where did he get off saying i was a lowly drunk? I took a small break and got something to drink, the idea of losing my wife to this random dickhead infuriated me, I shattered the cup in my hand and punched a hole in the wall. I was going to fix that later. Promise. I washed my hands off and returned to Soni's side, her little heart was still racing but her temperature did go down a little bit. I wanted to kill this man. I wanted to listen to more of these recordings before I got the cops involved, Soni was going to get her justice by my hand.

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