Chapter 12

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*Percy's POV*

It's a Friday night, and I have absolutely nothing to do. My friends are busy, and my homework is done. My room is never messy, and I don't have anymore chores. I haven't really seen the town yet, so I decide to go for a walk. I put on my Led Zeppelin t-shirt, a basketball hoodie, and grab my wallet, keys, and phone, before slipping on my black vans, and heading out the door.

I decide to go down to the board walk, and see what kind of shops they have there. Now that I think about it, I really need a job. Back in Manhattan I worked at the gym, so maybe I should see if they have one. I continue walking down the boardwalk. I pass gift shops, and little snack shacks. In the middle of the boardwalk, I spot a coffee shop. Deciding it is the right time for coffee, I head over and open the door. A bell goes off and I look around the shop as I enter. I notice 3 other people in the coffee shop. A couple is sitting in the back chatting with one another. The walls are all wood paneling. There are couches and chairs everywhere. I look towards the front of the shop and see a teenage girl, about my age reading a book. I take a closer look at the book and notice it is one of my favourite books, The Lord of the Rings. The girl has long, blonde hair, and what I think are glasses.

I order my coffee, and debate meeting blondie. I mean, she is reading my favourite book, that's got to be a sign, right? I walk up to her and sit on the couch across from her. She doesn't even look up from the book. 

"What part are you at?" I ask her. She jumps a bit, but regains her composure. Leaving the book in front of her face, she replies

"They just found Balin's tomb."

"Is this your first time reading these books?" I asked.

"No," she responds, book still in front of her face. "I have read them many times. They are one of my favourites."

"Me too! What is your favourite in the series?" I ask, trying to keep the conversation going. Her voice sounds really familiar, but I can't place it.

"I like The Fellowship of the Ring, because of the action. But, I also like Return of the King, because even more fighting. But I like The Two Towers, because Gimli and Legolas' friendship. I don't know, I can't decide," she answered. 

We kept the conversation going, until the sun started setting behind the shops. She kept the book in front of her face the whole time we spoke, but that didn't bother me too much. She was easy to talk to, and interesting. She knew how to keep a conversation going, and she was really funny. We were just getting into what we thought happened after the series, when her phone went off. She picked up her phone, keeping the book in front of her face, and said

"Sorry, I gotta go." She stood up and, turning her back to me, she grabbed her backpack and put her book in her bag. She turned back, but now had her hair covering her face, so I still couldn't see it. She started towards the door. I held onto her wrist before she could move away from me.

"Maybe I'll see you around?" I ask. She looked up at me and said, "I'm sure we will Percy." I sat there in  shock at who I had just spent the past hour and a half talking to.



GASP, who is it? As if you guuys didn't already know.

Hope this is good enough for you guys, because you guys deserve a good chapter.

Lovee you all,

Alexa xx

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