Chapter 14

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*Annabeth's POV*

It was 3:30 pm on Monday afternoon, and I was sitting in the middle of the crowded gym bleachers, anticipating the start of the boy's basketball game. Now you may be wondering, Annabeth, why are you sitting in the sweaty gym when you could be shopping or something. And I would say because it was my honorary duty as the captain of the girl's team. But it was also because I really wanted to see Percy play. I had heard all the boys on the team complaining that Percy pushed them and worked them extremely hard in practices, and now I wanted to see for myself.

Not even 5 minutes later, the change room doors open and our team walks out onto the court. The third string comes out first, followed by the second string, the first string, and lastly, Percy. As soon as Percy stepped out of the change room door, the gym erupted in cheers. Percy had only been here for a month or so, and already he was becoming one of the most well known people through all ages at school.

Now, most people would say it's because he was making our already great basketball team into an undefeated team,  but in reality, it's because he is very attractive, and an all around nice person.  But when he stepped out of the change room, he looked ridiculously good. His hair was disheveled and messed up as it usually is. The tank top type jersey hung from his should perfectly, showing off not only his arm muscles, but also his back muscles. The shorts hung from his hips, dangerously low, but somehow still not falling. As they ran through their pregame exercises, I, along with 99% of the female population in the gym(from both schools) couldn't take my eyes off him. Every time he caught the ball and shot, his biceps rippled, making all the girls(and I'm sure some guys) drool.

The game started, and right from the get go it was quite obvious that the other team was way out of their league. By half time we were up by 100, and the other team's coach was getting frustrated. Percy ran up and down the court, never getting tired. He controlled his team, and handled them like a true team captain. No matter what the other coach did, he just couldn't stop our team. Percy's played where so well constructed, it was nearly impossible to defend. The rest of the first string consisted of Jason, Charlie, Grover, and Frank. Percy has used each of their separate talents to the teams advantage, and has created a well- oiled machine. All through out the game, I could hear the Stoll brothers and Leo hooting and hollering whenever our team won, and even though we were killing the other team, our school had never seen a basketball team this good. The whole game was exciting, even when it was for sure we were gonna win. The game ended and it was 150-4, and that's only because the last quarter Percy mixed in the second and third strings. After the game the team made their way to the change rooms, and exited about 15 minutes later, freshly showered and changed. Everyone else from the team emerged, and it was another 5 minutes before Jason and Percy emerged, laughing, probably at some stupid joke. He exited the change room wearing a long tank top and all black basketball shorts, looking as good as always, if I might add.

The girls and I made our way down the stands. I told them to go ahead, and they left the gym without me. I walked towards Percy and the rest of the team with their respective girlfriends, and other friends. Thalia turned and saw me walking towards them, and nudged Hazel, who turned and then whispered something to Frank who turned as well, then whispered something to Leo. Leo made up and excuse for everyone to leave. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt. The fact that they left because I was walking that way, it seemed like they really didn't want to talk to me. I continued never the less, walking up to Percy, just as Jason and Piper were leaving.  I caught the end of Piper saying "See you later", before she gave Percy a quick hug, then walked away with Jason. She turned back and looked at me and I smiled. She gave me a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes, before turning back around and leaving the gym. There were still a few people here and there, but for the most part, it was just Percy and I.

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