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It's quite strange to see someone so confident and powerful become vulnerable. He kept his eyes on your vision, avoiding eye contact as he struggled to explain what he meant.

"Tell me when your ready"

You wanted him to tell you out of his own trust, if he wasn't ready then you would have to wait. No more pressing for answers, he was clearly embarrassed and troubled.

He nods and allows you to leave, the both of you needed some space after that stressful moment.
Delusions are quite dangerous, not only do they feed off the anger but they also fuel more. They did make you significantly stronger and more capable but, it drained so much from you. You felt a bit hesitant about giving the delusions to soldiers who just want peace in their nation, since these will definitely exhaust them. To brush the thought away, you simply hoped that it would do more good than bad for them in their battles.

The other members also gave you some space, they could tell that whatever occurred in that room was probably unpleasant. Some even pitied you, they thought eventually Scaramouche would lose his patience with you and treat you as harshly as the others if not more.

You bunked with your friend for the night, she prepared a comfortable ambient surrounding for you. She didn't push you for any explanations about what happened, just willing to comfort you since it left you shaken up.

When the morning arrived, everything felt fresh like a restart. You preferred it this way, even if it meant going back to the tedious work.
You were then called by a manager like member, Scaramouche would use him to assign others with their tasks however since Scaramouche would typically assign yours personally you were hardly ever called by the manager.

"[Name], I never thought I would say this to you but you have an important assignment today so don't fuck it up."
He says while writing in his clipboard

"I'll try not to?"

"You are to wear this cloak and sunglasses and deliver this box of delusions to some soldiers that agreed to meet nearby"

"That doesn't seem to hard"
You say a little confidently

"Well its not, however i'm sure for you it might be. Just don't give away that we are part of the Fatui, i'm sure they are a bit skeptical"

"Hah, don't underestimate me."
You now say a bit awkwardly.

Once you prepared your disguise you hear a teasing friendly voice

"Ooo, [name] you look so mysterious now. Good luck with this real mission, i'm sure you'll be great"

You truly did cherish her, she was your friend since the House of Hearth days. Most people would probably feel jealously seeing even their friends accomplishments even if they wouldn't like to admit it. You on the other hand felt proud in-fact you were more proud that she was your friend. If you were able to bag such a good and caring friend, then it meant you were doing something right.


"You know [name], to show me your truly thankful you should write me a whole essay about why you love me so much"
she teases

"Minimum 100 pages? "
You joked back.

Sometimes you wished you could easily say all the thoughts and words that run through your head. You felt bad about your dryness at times but she didn't mind, she didn't need to hear the words out loud to know. That's what true friendship is.

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