Loch Ness

343 12 7

You were starting to suspect that the layout of the laboratory was underground because there were no outside windows present anywhere.
Unfortunately your room was 3 rooms away from Scaramouche's, you felt nervous in this place and only wished to be close to him.

As you prepared to sleep you couldn't help but sense something familiar was there, looking out into the hallway you barely made out the familiar figure scurrying into the darkness of the hall.
It reminded you of your friend, how strange.

The mattress was firm and uncomfortable, sleep would be a hard thing to accomplish in a place like this. You wondered how long the process would take however you didn't want to associate with The Doctor all that much.

Surprisingly enough you were able to get a few ounces of sleep. Most of your sleeps are dreamless as far as you know; you hoped that now you'd get better at remembering however you mind was just not up to the task.
Wanting to see Scaramouche, you walked over to his room. There was no one there, that could only mean that The Doctor had already begun experimenting.
You just had to find them, to check up on Scaramouche.

The halls were like a maze, room after room some with patients and others with scary tables and tools.
You caught a glimpse of the shadowy friend like figure, it continued to scurry away from you.
You followed until you hit the end of a hall, strangely the footsteps the shadow left behind were wet.


The voice caused your stomach to drop, it was The Doctor.


"Are you perhaps looking for the puppet?"

"Yes, I'd like to see Scaramouche. Although I do not appreciate you referring to him as that, it's dehumanizing"

"Hah.., You seem to care a lot about him. He is not a human though."

"Can I please see him."

"Well only since you asked so nicely, how can I refuse"

He motioned for you to walk side by side but you stayed a little behind, not feeling comfortable enough to be on his level.

He took you to a room known as the operating theatre. There was a huge window and you could see that Scaramouche was being measured inside.
Phew, he seems to be doing alright for now.
They had a weird contraption they seemed to be building, it resembled a robot, and had a bunch of tubes with purple liquids surging inside them.

"See, all my patients get proper care"

"We'll see."

You spent most of the day sat in front of the window waiting for Scaramouche to be done. Occasionally Dottore would come up to you and attempt some small talk, he was strange.

The whole day had nearly gone by when Scaramouche was let out, you guys only had two hours until bedtime. Yes, the laboratory was restricting enough to have curfew.
Dottore had left to his office knowing that Scaramouche would be bothered by his presence near you.

"Did he make you uncomfortable?"

you cared more about how he felt,
"Nope, Did he make you uncomfortable?"

"Not yet"

To make the most of the last two hours before curfew, you spent them in Scaramouche's room comforting each other with some quality cuddling.

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