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"Simon" he says. Baz stands over me. I call for my sword and it appears, he steps back surprised.

I want to confront him, he was clearly watching me sleep and plotting to kill me but all that comes out is a cough and then another. I dissolve into a coughing fit that takes my breath away. My nose starts to run and I wait miserably for Baz to laugh at me or tell me I'm disgusting.

Instead he hands me a handkerchief. I let it fall onto the bed instead of grabbing it and stare at him open-mouthed. I realize I'm probably spreading my germs and put my elbow up to cover my face. Why would he give me his handkerchief, anything of his, for that matter, when I'm coughing all over the place, I'm only going to get it gross. I look at him, really look. He doesn't look patronising, he looks . . . worried.

And wait ... Simon? He-he called me by my name, he called me . . . Simon. What. The. Bloody. Hell is happening to me?

❄️You Feel A Little Warm Love | SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now