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I place my hand against his forehead, he doesn't seem to notice. Even with my cooler temperature I know he's burning up. I cast the first temperature checking spell that comes to mind which is embarrassingly "You feel a little warm, love!"( it only works for parents/guardians casting it on children or on some you love romantically.)

I push my thoughts aside and look at the number glowing over his sweaty forehead. 40, I panic! Then I remember that he runs higher than most people because of all the magic.

When we were sent to the infirmary after the Chimera the nurse check us both over for injuries. She took both of our temperatures and declared us healthy. I remember glancing over and seeing that Simon's was about 38 degrees.

But 40 is still high. I take a deep breath and shake his shoulders, he doesn't move, he doesn't even blink, his eyes are fixed on the wall behind me. I need to get him to the nurse. I try to pull him off but he's too heavy like he's somehow given himself extra weight. I have an odd thought that he's like a child who doesn't want to be taken somewhere.

If we can't go to the nurse then I'll have to do something. Healing spells! I force myself to stop and take another deep breath and recall all of the healing spells I know.

I cast "Get Well Soon!" and check his temperature again, nothing happened. I try "Early To Bed And Early To Rise!but still it stays the same. Simon is sobbing now. He calls my name in a broken way, reaching out, but stiffly, like he's being restrained.

"I'm here Simon" I say, "I'm right here". I always have been. I cast "Right As Rain!" his temperature is down to 39.5 but that's still too high. Desperate, I try "Good As New!" and it goes down to 39 almost there . . . "Fit As A Fiddle!"

I cast "You feel a little warm, love!" again and 38 glows above his forehead. I'm relieved but he's still staring at the wall. I shake him again, call his name, practically shout it. He doesn't respond. I whisper it in his ear "Simon?" I dare to say the things I've always wanted to surely that will startle him awake. "Simon, love I'm right here, I've always been here." He says nothing still staring at the wall.

"Come Out, Come Out, Wherever You Are!" I cast but there's nothing but wall.

I stare at him for another long agonising moment and then I'm staring at him, his beautiful blue eyes, his lips I bet they're so soft, I've always wondered what they would feel like. What it would feel like to kiss Simon Snow I've always wanted too, I bet it's warm. I bet I could kiss him right now and he wouldn't even notice. I could. No think that wouldn't be fair it would be like kissing a drunk person. It wouldn't mean anything and I would only feel worse afterwards. Knowing how good it feels and knowing I'd never get to experience it again.

But I feel awful now, don't I? I feel absolutely terrible. What if he dies? And then I'll never be able to kiss him and I'll always be thinking about it, about him. It's just one little kiss. Right?

And so I do it. The one thing I've always wanted to do. It isn't hard with him sitting up as he is. I kissed him. It isn't as good as I imagined but then again thats probably because he's edging on close to half dead at this point. But either way I'm kissing him, I'm kissing Simon Snow.

And then he blinks.

❄️You Feel A Little Warm Love | SnowbazWhere stories live. Discover now