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I woke up with a pain in the back of my neck. I notice I'm in a chair at a desk and wonder if I fell asleep studying again. This wouldn't be the first time.

I glance around the unfamiliar environment. Then everything from yesterday floods back into my mind. The lake, my parents, the fight, running, lost, the woods, the concrete structure, my soulmate. My eyes begin to water at the thought of everything.

I quickly wipe my face where a single tear streaks my already smeared makeup. I cautiously get out of the chair so I don't get a head ache and create more pain in my body. My legs were soar from running so much yesterday and my back and neck were knotted up from sleeping in the swivel chair. Brooklyn Reynolds is not a track star. I've never really liked running in gym class and I wasn't really in best shape for running a mile, let alone however many I ran yesterday. Adrenaline just took over from all the events the day before.

I needed to find a way back today. I couldn't stay out here. I would starve and die. Although dying sounded like a pretty good option right now, I couldn't leave my best friends. My parents never really loved me, I don't have a soulmate, I have no career plans, I'm an outcast. Really, only the four people I call my siblings care about me.

I make my way back down the isolated halls, very vaguely remembering the way I came. Once I reached the panel in which I snuck through, I took one more look at the concrete walls I called home for a night. I then shimmied my way back through the opening, revealing me to the bright sun blinding me overhead. It wasn't directly above me so I made the assumption it was before noon.

I made my way in the opposite direction from where I came, heading away from the wall. I got a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach. It was almost as if it was an attracting feeling pulling away the farther I walked from the wall.

Wow, one night in a building and you already feel attached to it. I didn't like the building, but I had a strange feeling near it. Almost as if I was meant to be there and was missing something.

I shook out the thought from my mind and kept walking. Nothing seemed familiar though. Just more trees.


Finally, after walking for what seemed like 2 hours, and endless counting of birds to keep myself busy, I came to a clearing.

There was a large body of water that was surrounded my more trees. On the other side I could make out what looked like a pile of wood.

I make my way over to it in hopes that I can find foot prints that points someone was here, perhaps signs that I'm not far from civilization. I smile at myself at what goes through my head. 'I sound like an explorer in one of my books or a person lost in the wilderness' but then again, I am lost in the middle of nowhere.

I get to the heap of pine and notice some metal skewers that look like they had burnt marshmallow stuck to it. I also see some foot prints and tire marks. Somebody has been hear. I big smile spreads across my face.

I look over the water and it looks beautiful. Almost familiar. Sort of like...

The lake.

This is where we camped the night before.

I knew exactly where I was.

I looked behind me to my left and saw the trail that we drove up to get here in Pamela's car.

I began running because I was going home. I almost tripped over the sand, but quickly regained my balance. I slowed down and my grin disappeared. I couldn't go home. I didn't want to see my parents.

I'll go to one of the gangs' house. I'll explain everything to them and they will come up with an idea. They always did to get one of us out of trouble.


After traveling along the trail for a while, I reached the outskirts of town.

I was so exhausted from all this walking. I just wanted to be in my own bed and wake up from this horrible dream.

I reached a house and began to climb the steps. I knocked three times on the big, red oak door. After a few seconds a blonde girl opened the door.

"What do you want?" She asked not looking up, while looking extremely sad. She hadn't even noticed who it was.

"I needed my Pam." I said smiling at her.

She froze and slowly brought her eyes to meet mine. A single tear feel from her crystal blue eyes and a smile press across her face.

"Brooke!" She practically screamed and tackled me into a tight bear hug. I hugged back just as tight. "I thought I lost you." she cries, dampening my shoulder with her tears. I guess I was doing the same because she pulled away and I saw a small wet spot on her own shoulder.

"I could never leave you." I barely let out.

She gestured for me to come in.

"My parents are at work. You can stay here for a while and explain everything to me."

I took the offer and stepped inside.

"Oh my god, you must be so hungry! Come here I'll make you some food." she says dashing into the kitchen.

I had never noticed how hungry I was until she said that. All of a sudden my stomach hurt really bad. I held it in discomfort as I followed her into the kitchen.

I ate the soup she made for me and we went up to her room.

We sat down on her bed facing each other in silence for a moment.

"Alright, I wanna hear it all."

Okay sorry for always leaving cliffhangers. Lol it's all for the drama of it. Tell me what you think of the story so far!!

Please check out "soulmates" by Xpammie_monsterX

Thank you for reading!!

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