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A content smile stretched across his face as he thought back to the previous night. The soft kisses and the intimate touches that set his soul on fire. He pushed the bedsheet off himself and twisted in bed. Jimin's side of the bed was empty. The older was probably downstairs preparing breakfast for them. Jungkook felt his heart warm at the thought.

He slipped on his pyjama shirt and ran a hand through his messy hair before he happily skipped to the bathroom. Five minutes later, the younger bounced down the stairs, eager to see his boyfriend, maybe have himself a little kiss too.

He giggled to himself as he entered the kitchen, only to find it empty.


"Jimin," Jungkook called out and stepped into their living room.


Not a sign of Jimin.

He peeked over at the shoe rack.

Jimin's shoes were missing and his coat that was usually hung at the entrance was gone too.

Must have been an urgent call from work, Jungkook thought to himself as he peeked out of their window to see Jimin's car missing.

He pulled out his phone and quickly texted the older.

Hey, Minnie.
Good morning.
Are you alright? Text me when you can, okay?
I hope you had breakfast before you left for work.
Love you, baby.


Never again alone // Jikook [✓]Where stories live. Discover now