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"Jimin?" said Taehyung in surprise.

"Baby, who's at the door?"

"It's Jimin," Taehyung called back before he opened the door wider for the other to get in.

"What happened?" he asked as he took in the other's puffy, red eyes, just as Seokjin entered the room.

"It's...Jungkook doesn't trust me," Jimin whispered, "I just — He thinks he's good at hiding it but I see it. I see the fear in his eyes. He's afraid I'll leave again and I won't...I just. Why won't he trust me...i came back. I apologised."

"Jimin," Seokjin began, "I agree you did return and that was brave of you. I know why you left and I understand why you did what you did. But you still left. Jungkook woke up to find you gone. Imagine if you were in his place. If you just woke up to find Jungkook missing, his car and his belongings all gone."

Jimin lowered his head.

"I know what I did was wrong. I was a coward to run away the way I did. But—"

"You came back. That's true. It isn't easy to do what you did and for that I totally admire you," Taehyung replied, "Not many people do that, you know? You accepted your mistakes and worked towards changing them."

"It's not that Jungkook doesn't trust you. He does. But he's still afraid. Think about it like this. He was wounded when you left. When you returned, the wound healed but a scar remained. Regardless of what you do, that scar will still be there. He's forgiven you. He hasn't forgotten it. And he won't. He's human as much as you are, Min. He's afraid to feel that way again. He's afraid even though he trusts you."

"How... how do I—"

"You earn his trust. The first step towards it was when you returned back, when you promised to converse with him how you felt instead of take an impulsive decision again. The second and the third and the rest were when he woke up each day, afraid he wouldn't see you, but you were still there. Trust is a fragile thing, Jimin, like a newborn baby."

"I...i feel guilty."

"It's good. It shows how much this means to you. It shows how much Jungkook means to you and how much you regret this. But not to the extent that you start berating yourself for everything," Taehyung said as he wrapped his arms around the male, "You apologised for it, right? And Jungkook forgave you for it. Now, all you've got to do is stay. Prove Jungkook's fear wrong each day. Provide him the assurance he needs. And communicate."

Seokjin nodded in agreement.

"Where's Jungkook?"

"He's home."


"No, I don't know. He had a nightmare before and...the guilt I felt. I just...had to come here and talk to you."

"Go back to him. Don't leave him like that for too long. That kid's overthinking will be the death of him."


Never again alone // Jikook [✓]Where stories live. Discover now