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"You're still afraid I'll leave again... aren't you?" Jimin asked softly once Jungkook had calmed down.

"No," Jungkook lied.

"Jungkook. I could hear you... crying and begging for me to stay in your sleep. You...you don't trust me do you?"

"I do," Jungkook cried desperately, "I trust you. It was a stupid nightmare. I just—"

The fear in Jungkook's eyes didn't go unnoticed by Jimin.

Jimin cut him off, "I've — I've seen the way you wake up extra early in the mornings just to check if I'm still in bed. I see the way you open the wardrobe door to check if my stuff is still in there."

"I'm sorry. I trust you. I trust you. Please Jimin," Jungkook cried and clutched his shirt tighter.

Jimin gently pried his hands away.

"Sleep, baby. Get some rest, okay?"

"Where are you going?" Jungkook sounded close to breaking down again.

"To meet a friend. I'll be back. I'll be back, Kookie," Jimin promised as Jungkook's eyes filled with tears.

"Okay," said the younger but the doubt in his voice caused Jimin's heart to sting.

He doesn't trust me...Jimin thought, heart aching as he exited their room.


Never again alone // Jikook [✓]Where stories live. Discover now