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Jungkook awoke with a gasp and gradually became aware of the tears spilling down his cheeks and the almost hysterical sobs that wracked his trembling frame. He became aware of the arms around him and twisted his face to see Jimin.

His Jimin.

His Jimin was holding him, looking at him with such worry and concern in his eyes that Jungkook let out a sob and buried himself in the older's chest.

A nightmare.

That was what it was all along.

But . . .

That wasn't it.

His nightmare only reflected a memory from his past.

Jimin did leave.

He left without a word and it broke Jungkook to such an extent that the younger male had refused to eat, or do anything he usually would. Taehyung hadn't been pleased by Jimin's decision when he saw Jungkook crumble before his eyes.

Of their friend group, he was the one who knew where Jimin was and why the older left. When Jungkook realised that, he felt betrayed and more hurt than he did before. He shut them out, kept himself in isolation, a phase that worried all his friends.

But then, Jimin returned.

Almost a year later, Jimin returned. He apologized profusely as Jungkook only wrapped his arms tightly around him as though to ensure he wasn't just a hallucination. When Jungkook seemed convinced Jimin was real, he broke down, screaming and sobbing.

After what seemed like eternity, Jungkook agreed to give Jimin another chance. The older broke down into tears and hugged the younger then, apologies spilling past his tongue. Jimin felt immense guilt for leaving Jungkook the way he did but when he explained why he did it, Jungkook understood.

"Promise you'll talk to me. When you feel like this, talk to me. I'll clear your doubts. No more assuming. Our relationship won't work if there's no communication," Jungkook practically begged him and Jimin nodded as he pulled the younger closer. 


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