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Sure enough, as Taehyung had predicted, Jungkook sat in bed, crying into his knees as his fear and insecurities seemed to get the best of him. That was until two strong arms were wrapped around him and a kiss was pressed to his temple.

He sniffled and looked up into the warm eyes of his boyfriend.

"Jimin," he whispered and clutched the older's shirt.

"Don't cry. You know I've always disliked seeing you cry. I can't bear it. And knowing I made you cry—"

"You d-didnt. I'm being stupid."

"No. You're not. Your fears are valid. Baby, I'm sorry I left you alone before. Never again shall you ever be alone, never again shall I leave you like I did before. This is my promise to you that I write in stone where neither the wind nor the waters shall have the power to erase it."

He softly cupped Jungkook's puffy cheeks and pressed their lips together.

"I made a mistake once. Never again, baby. I'm yours. I'm here to stay. Not leaving now, not ever. You're too precious to lose."

Jungkook's face crumpled as a fresh round of tears spilled down his cheeks. Jimin held him tight and wiped the tears off his own cheeks.

They'd be okay.

He had made a promise and this time he intended to keep it.

The end

Excuse my bad writing, thanku. (Sighs)

Never again alone // Jikook [✓]Where stories live. Discover now