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If Jungkook wasn't panicking before, he was now.

Where was Jimin if he wasn't at work?

"Kookie. Calm down. I'm sure he's alright. He must've just gone over to a friend's or something," Taehyung tried to assure.

"He's gone since morning. Before I woke up. He would've atleast left me a text because he knows I worry a lot. Tae—"

"Okay, look. I'm coming over. Don't panic. Just stay calm. It's okay."

But it wasn't okay.

Jungkook discovered that when he opened their wardrobe to see Jimin's side of it completely empty. Heart rate increasing, he flung a couple of cabinets open.




They were empty.

All of Jimin's belongings were missing.

No, it couldn't be.

It fucking couldn't.

Jungkook pulled the last drawer. Jimin's bags were missing.

Jungkook's hands trembling, vision misting over with tears that clouded his eyes in utter disbelief of the situation. He frantically tried to call Jimin. Over and over the mechanical feminine voice repeated that the number he was calling was switched off.

Taehyung suddenly entered his line of vision as he began to type furiously on Jimin's chat.

Please reply.
Where are you?
Did you leave?
What happenef?
Please. Please reply to me.
Did I do something?
Im sorry. Please come back.

Jungkook's sobs echoed in the room and he felt himself being pulled into Taehyung's embrace.

"Shh," the older soothed, rubbing his back but it did nothing to soothe the younger's aching heart.

"Please tell Jimin to come back. Please. Please. Why did he leave? Did he stop loving me?"


"Jimin... I want Jimin. Don't... don't leave me please. Did I do something? I'm sorry. Please."


"Please come back. Please don't leave."



Never again alone // Jikook [✓]Where stories live. Discover now