Y/n's first ever thanksgiving

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Y/n was walking around the park while he then looks at his phone while he got a text from his mom asking him for a favor and he then goes to the grocery store and he grabs some things.
Y/n:shit I don't know where is the meat section is.
Y/n then continues to walk around and he finds it and he grabs some meat.
Y/n:wonder why they asked me to help them but I don't mind it at all.
Y/n gets the stuff and he then walks back to his home and he notices a dog he knows and he looks at him.
Y/n:no way is that fluffy?
Y/n walks closer to the dog and he looks at his dog.

Y/n:no way is that fluffy?Y/n walks closer to the dog and he looks at his dog

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Y/n:oh it's really you but how come your here little guy.
Y/n picks up the dog and he walks in his house and he sees his parents.
Y/ns mom:oh hi y/n your aunt wanted us to take care of him for a while so we're taking care of him so he'll sleep in your room.
Y/n:oh thats cool and well since me and itsuki are dating-
Y/n mom:stop lying you're dating itsuki?!
Y/n mom: ok son first thing is you have to make sure no one takes her.
Y/n:i know mom and also where's aunt kasumi?
Y/ns mom:she's doing a business trip for now but don't worry fluffy will stay here with us for a while.
Y/n:sweet cmon fluffy we're going to the pet store for food and other shit.
Fluffy then wags his tail and he follows him while he sees yotsuba jogging.
Y/n:shit fluffy just walk by don't worry it's nothing there..
Yotsuba:hi y/n!
Y/n picks fluffy up and runs away while yotsuba looks at y/n confused.
Yotsuba:well that was weird..?
Yotsuba continues her jog while y/n is walking around in the dog area.
Y/n then lets fluffy choose his food and he puts his paw on chicken flavored dog food.
Y/n then grabs the dog food and he walks back to his house and yotsuba is standing there pouting.

Y/n then grabs the dog food and he walks back to his house and yotsuba is standing there pouting

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Y/n:uhhh hi yotsuba.
Yotsuba:so, why did you run away after seeing me?
Y/n:uhh got things to do and ummm bye yotsuba.
Y/n walks but yotsuba grabs his collor and she sees a y/n holding a dog and she then pets the dog.
Yotsuba:so this is why you ran away from me because of this little cutie.
Y/n:well maybe.
Yotsuba then stops petting him and she looks at y/n.
Yotsuba:i was wondering if you were going to come over today and also bringing your dog along side you?
(A/n:so guys i was wondering for y/n's mom and dad names and if you can suggest some names for these two then it will be a huge help for me so I can change it.)
Y/n:hmmm well i guess so ill follow you yotsuba.
Y/n then walks along side yotsuba and they both walk in to see nino cooking something while miku is playing with her switch.
Yotsuba:so guys y/n's aunt actually told his family to take care of her dog for a while so he just brought his dog with him.
Miku then looks at fluffy and she then has stars in her eyes.
Miku:it's really cute.
Y/n puts fluffy down and he walks to miku and sniffs her hand.
Miku:he's really adorable y/n.
Miku then notices fluffy laying on her lap and she then pets him while nino finishes cooking and looks at y/n and fluffy.
Nino:it's so cute!!
Nino then goes to pet fluffy and she then picks him up and holds him like a baby.
Nino:so y/n what's his name?
Y/n:its fluffy.
Nino:well fluffy is so adorable and im taking care of him.
Y/n:actually im taking care of him and have you seen Itsuki anywhere?
Ichika:she said she had to go do something really quick so she might be back soon.
Y/n:alright and also im going to the park to look for the soccer field there.
Y/n walks and fluffy follows him and while they're walking to his house he then looks at fluffy smiling and he picks him up.
Y/n:so fluffy i wanna sing a song about well this loneliness I've been feeling and its not cause of itsuki it's probably because i feel alone this world.
Fluffy then licks y/n cheek and he then pets him and when he's in his room writing the lyrics of the song.
Y/n:stranger alone, no thats not it.. hmm how about stranger in Moscow.
Fluffy then wags his tail and y/n writes the title of it and he then puts it on his desk while he then looks out the window and he notices that it's raining really hard.
Y/n:i know tomorrow is thanksgiving but should I bother to celebrate it or not? Maybe i should for the hell of it and see what beautys come out of it and damn also have to do a song on the same day.
Y/n then looks at fluffy who is sleeping while he smiles and he then slowly closes his eyes.
Y/n's dream
Y/n is walking to the park and he then sees alot of people smiling and talking while y/n looks around for his friends and family but he doesn't see them and he continues to walk and he then sees a puddle and he looks at his reflection and he notices that he looks older than usual and he then looks forward and sees itsuki there standing and she then waves at him.

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