~A Beautiful Mess~

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Georgias great, man! I love having her around the house she's like a sister. I know her and Karen aren't on great terms, but I'm all about the peace and love. And if it weren't for my relationship with Karen, I'd totally be going for Georgia. She's hot.

- Jody

"-and that's when I told him I couldn't do this right now and got up and left." Mandy gasped as I told her about the incident that had just happened at the Jackson house. "You ran out?"

"I don't know what I did alright. I just know I had to come here, so he doesn't come running after me." Karter would never step foot in the Milkovich neighborhood, let alone their house. "So are you guys done or what?"

"Well he's probably never gonna wanna see me again...I wouldn't want to see me again." I was starting to realize the severity of me running out was going to have on our relationship. "Are you kidding? He's obsessed with you. Just give it a day and he'll be blowing up your phone asking you to come over."

"No, this was different Mandy. You didn't see his face when I left. He was devastated." Mandy stifled a laugh. "Well, you can't help it if you don't love him. It's not your fault."

"Who said I didn't love him?" Mandy looked at me weird. "Isn't that why you ran out? Because you don't love him?"

"I don't know!" I yelled. "It was just too much. Asking me when we're gonna get married and then asking me to move in. It's just all too much too fast." Mandy nodded as I spoke. "And he's my first real boyfriend. I don't want to rush into things and ruin everything."

"Maybe that's what you should tell him." Mandy suggested. "I don't know if he'll understand."

"If he loved you, he would."


"Well if I were you I'd probably just end things now." I threw my dirty rag at Josh as he joked. Going to a boy who has a crush on you for relationship advice, not the best idea. "You're no help at all!"

"Okay, okay. In all seriousness, I'd probably just tell him what you told Mandy. Honesty is the best policy." Josh said, matter of factly. "You know sometimes I forget you're a freshman until you say things like 'honesty is the best policy.'"

"Hey! It's true though. What has lying ever done for anybody?" I was about to answer Josh's question when fat Nicole bursted out of Mr.Dunson's office. "Fuck you! And fuck this movie theater!" Mr.Dunson followed Nicole out of his office zipping up his fly.

"Let's be civil about this Nicole." He said in a hushed tone. "Rot in hell!" Nicole yelled as she left the building. "What the hell was that?" I asked.

Mr.Dunson took a second to respond. "Was anybody talking to you?" I was taken aback by his question. "No?"

"Then mind your business and get back to work!" He slammed his office door shut after he told me off. I would never normally let anyone talk to me like that, let alone a man, but this man controlled my paychecks so I bit my tongue.

"I wonder what the hell happened in there." Josh whispered once he was for sure Mr.Dunson wouldn't hear. "I don't want to find out."


"Wow you're more obsessed than I thought." I was walking up the steps to the Jackson household when I was met with Lip at the front door. "You know Karen's getting married right?"

"Yeah, that's what you think." He pushed past me. "That's what I know. She chose Jody and you can't accept it."

"Mind your fucking business, Georgia!" Lip snapped. Damn the second time today. I didn't have a chance to respond before he was already halfway down the street. I turned back around when the front door opened again revealing the person I had actually came there for. Karter. "What are you doing here?" He was mad.

"I wanted to talk to you." I replied. "I have to go to work." He walked past me. "And I really don't think there's anything we need to talk about. You've said enough." He was madder than I thought.

"I want to explain myself." I followed after him. "What is there to explain? I poured my heart out to you and you left. End of story. I got my answer."

"Listen, Im sorry. I didn't mean to-" Karter cut me off. "Don't worry about it. I shouldn't have expected any different."

"What's that supposed to mean?" I yelled. "You're a Gallagher, Georgia. Isn't it like in your DNA to ruin everybody's life?" He got into his car and sped away.

He didn't even give me a chance to tell him how I feel. And now he knows what everybody else knows. I'm no better than my last name.


"The party has arrived!" I kicked in the door to the Gallagher house. Only a little bit wasted. Fiona texted me earlier in the day asking if I could come to a party Debbie was having at the house. How could I say no?

"Georgia?" Debbie yawned. I guess I came late. Everybody was asleep. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here for your party." I whisper yelled. "You're late." The upstairs light turned on. "Lip Gallagher, you are such a fucking asshole!" Holly Herkimer yelled as she ran down the steps. "I am so out of here."

It's funny because she dresses like a freshman, acts like a freshman, is supposed to be a freshman, but is somehow still in the fourth grade.

The rest of the kids at the party started to wake up as Debbie pleaded with Holly to stay. "Please stay! I'm making waffles tomorrow."

"Well you can shove mine up Lip's ass!" Holly yelled as she slammed the front door shut. Carl and his friend chased after the girl as Fiona and some random walked in. "What the hell is going on?"

"Holly left because of something Lip did and now Little Hank is gone too." Debbie threw herself into the couch as Lip made his way downstairs. "Lip, please tell me you didn't."

"No! I blew her off and she split." Lip replied to Fiona. "I'm sorry Deb's. I'm sure the rest of the party was great."

"How would you know? You're always at work and Georgias never here either." Fiona looked over at me, she could tell I had been drinking. "But she was here for your party right?"

"She just got here before you did." Fiona scoffed as Debbie answered. "Are you serious, Georgia? And showing up drunk? This is the first thing I've asked you to do this entire summer and you couldn't even show up?"

"Hey, I did show up! I'm here right now aren't I? Don't expect me to drop all my plans to show up to an 11 year old sleepover." I yelled. "Oh shut up, Georgia."

I turned my attention to Lip. "You, shut the hell up!" Fiona interjected herself into the fight. "Both of you shut up! Debbie's night was ruined and you two fighting like children doesn't help." Fiona was right.

"I'm sorry about your party, Debs. What can I do to make it up to you?" I sat down on the couch next to her. "Stay."


I woke up the next morning in my bed for the first time since the beginning of summer. Debbie had left me a plate of microwave pancakes next to my bed. They were cold by the time I had waken up, but I ate them anyways.

I walked downstairs to see a guy I had never seen before singing "Your Body is a Wonderland" to a lady who I've also never seen before. I quickly made my way out the back door before they could see me.

Everybody was outside playing in the pool as I sat down on the steps with a ciggerate I had found in my room. They really do relieve the stress sometimes.

"Georgia!" Debbie yelled. "Well long time no see stranger." Kev said once he noticed me on the steps. I nodded to them with a smirk as I took a hit off the ciggerate. "It's good to be home."

Lip scoffed and got out of the pool. Looks like he's the only who's not happy I'm home. The feelings mutual. "Lip!"

Everyone turned their heads as Karen Jackson made her way over to the pool and punched Lip square in the face. "Why was Mandy Milkovich at my house last night trying to screw Jody?"

No way Lip had actually gotten Mandy to go along with his idiotic plan of breaking up Karen and Jody. "Stay away from me, stay away from Jody, and stay away from this baby."

Oh. My. God.

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