~ A Bottle of Jean Nate ~

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Charves enjoyed protecting Mandy and Georgia. They were good and Charves doesn't like many people. Mandy always brought Charves ice cream every week, never missed a day. Unfortunately Georgia is related to Peggy Gallagher so Charves can no longer provide protection. It is not her fault, but it is the way it has to be. Charves hopes Georgia knows he holds no bad will against her. Maybe Charves will tell her soon. And even tho Charves is not attracted to women in anyway what so ever...Georgia is better looking than most.

- Charves x

Grammy waved at me as I pulled out of the driveway. I told her I was going to get some breakfast, but really I was going to Charves's house. I had to make sure he was okay.

I tried to get there as fast as I could but I didn't have a license, or a permit, and I also never really made time to take a drivers test either. Guess I didn't see a point.

I eventually made it to Charves's house and parked way down the street. Apparently I never know who's watching me. As I made my way up his driveway I noticed the front door was wide open. I was starting to think I should've brought that gun Mandy gave me.

"Charves?" I called into the house. No response. Against my better judgement I continued my way inside anyways.

The house was quiet. Like eerie quiet. Until it wasn't. A moan came from Charves's office. "Hello? Charves?" No response. His office door was cracked open the tiniest bit. I was afraid to open it anymore because I didn't know what I would find behind it. But Charves was good to me, if my grandma did something to him I had to fix it.

I creaked his office door open slowly. I didn't see anyone in there, until I looked down and saw two foot behind his desk. I was gonna be sick.

"Charves?" I called with a shaky voice. I crept my way closer as I heard Charves let out a moan. He was alive. As I finally made my way behind his desk I screamed in fear as I saw what my grandma had done.

He laid there in a pool of blood...his two eyes in a jar next to him.


I left before the cops arrived. I knew the only thing I could do for Charves was call 911 and hope it wasn't too late for them to save his eyes.

Who was I kidding? Of course it was too late to save them. Charves was going to be blind for the rest of his life and it was all my fault.

I didn't know what to do. I was driving around distraught and I knew if I didn't get off the roads I was going to get pulled over. So I went to Karters.

I needed to tell somebody what I saw. Somebody who cared. Somebody who could convince me that it wasn't my fault.

"Is Karter here?" I asked Karen as she opened the front door. "Uh...are you okay?" I guess I had been crying a little bit. "I'm fine. Is Karter here?"

"He's here but-" Karter made his way over to the door. "Georgia?" I stepped into the doorway and engulfed him in a hug. "Something bad happened."

"Georgia, what happened?" I took a deep breath and opened my mouth to tell him everything, when I noticed a girl sitting at the kitchen table. She was in my grade.  A cheerleader. Julie Reynolds.

"What's this?" I turned to Karter. "Oh, you know Julie? Her dad owns the construction site I'm working on."

"So, why is she here?" I was getting madder by the second. "Well, my mom's making her famous tuna casserole tonight, so I invited Julie to join us. Her mom doesn't cook much and her dad..." He could tell what he was saying wasn't making the situation any better.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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