~Casey Casden~

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Georgia. I love her so much!!! I love sharing a room with her. She always lets me borrow her stuff like her bras. She also tells me the craziest stories like the one time she pushed Lip into traffic and he almost died. I love it when she goes to my school. She comes all the time when she doesn't want to go to hers. I hope to look like her someday she's so hot.

Love, Debbie

I was over at Karen's house for breakfast. I was seeing firsthand how much my dad uses Sheila. She made us eggs but Frank got the most. "Kids party across the street. No booze. What's the point," Frank said reading the newspaper.

"To celebrate the kid's life," I replied rolling my eyes. I wasn't just mad at Frank I was upset that Karter wasn't here. He's at Lindsay's. He sure moved on fast.

Someone came in abruptly I was hoping it was Karter but it was Eddie, Karen's dad. He walked in with his shoes on with all his clown shit and walked downstairs.

"What the hell is he doing here," Karen yelled. Sheila shrugged in return.

Eddie walked back up the stairs and sat down by my dad. He picked up a croissant Sheila made and started to eat it. Sheila walked over and took it out of his mouth.

"I went to see a lawyer. Turns out I can't live somewhere else and support you two...three," Eddie sighed. "Why can't you live with uncle Herbert," Karen whined.

"He's got gangrene. Ever smell rotting foot," He replied. "Anyways, why don't you get me a refill, Karen, honey?"

"Did you lose your fucking legs," she snapped. Eddie turned to me "How about you, Georgia?"

Karen looked at me and shook her head no. "Sorry," I said to him. "That's your guy's teenage diseased minds talking. You taste penii and now you're crazy."

Eddie got up and got his drink himself. I decided to turn around and not face him anymore. Too sad.


I was on my way home from Karen's when I found Ian and Lip with our new water heater. "Hey, Georgia, almost new," Lip said talking about the water heater. "Good job."

We continued walking home when a car stopped in front of us. Fiona and Steve. "Hey, Debbie stole a baby. We gotta return it."

"Ok, I did not see that coming," Lip said confused. "I did. You took her Aunt Ginger," I said. "Yeah yeah, I get it. Just get in so we can make a plan."


We were all sitting down around the table trying to get Debbie's story right.

"Ok, so Debbie was he inside or outside of the fence when you took him," Lip asked. "He was inside. I waved a snickers bar at him to get him out."

"Omg," I sighed. "Well did anyone see you," Ian asked. "No, I pushed him in Liam's old stroller."

"The one I told you to throw out," Fiona asked getting angry. "I fixed it for emergencies."

After she said that there was banging on the door. We all looked at each other frantically. "Hurry up and let us in," Veronica said from the other side of the door.

Lip got up and let her and Kevin in. "Is this that missing kid," Kevin asked. He had him hidden in a laundry basket with a blanket covering him.

"Yeah, Debbie stole him. Now we have to try and get him back without Debbie going to juvie," Fiona explained.

We all walked into the living room and told Debbie to watch Casey. "I don't know what has gotten into her," Fiona admitted. "Maybe its because your mom bailed and Franks a big drunk. No offense," Kevin said.

"Hey, Debbie is still a little kid. The worst thing is she gets help," Steve said. "What kind of help? She's not crazy," Ian asked. "She stole a baby."

"Hey hey hey, Gallaghers do not do therapy," Fiona said.

"Look we're gonna need a plan to get that boy back or family services are gonna have a field day," I said. "Family services," Steve asked.

"You're right if they find out Franks gone they'll take the kids and split them up. Remember what happened last time?" Fiona stated. Last time I ended up with the Jacksons so it wasn't really that bad.

We devised a foolproof plan. I had to babysit Casey the whole time. You might think my role wasn't huge but it was. I had to make sure he was happy and in his costume.

I had to give him to Fiona so she could take him to the rendezvous spot. That meant I had nothing else to do except wait and see what happens. Whenever Lip makes the plans I always end up with the most boring roles.

They should end up across the street from Karen's house so I went there to wait. Once I was right across the street I could see Karter and Lindsay outside of Karter's house making out. We only went on one somewhat sorta date but yet seeing him making out with her hurt a lot.

I hid behind a tree and watched them. Once Lindsay left it was my chance to see what was up. I walked over to him. "Guess she chooses you now."

He looked at me for a second. "Yeah, guess so," he replied. "I just hope you know the next time she goes back to Justin I won't be here to lend a shoulder."

"At least I wasn't the one that ditched you to go hang out with Mickey Milkovich," he yelled at me. "What are you talking about?"

"Lindsay told me. Next time just tell me you aren't interested," he turned around and slammed the door in my face. I walked out of his yard and sat down across the street on a curb.

I can't believe she told him that. She made me miss seeing him and then told him I was with Mickey Milkovich of all people why did it have to be Mickey? Someone came and sat down beside me.

"Listen, person, I'm not in the mood," I said looking in the other direction. "I know you hate me but I heard what happened. I can take care of Lindsay for you," Mandy Milkovich said.

"Mandy, I don't need your help alright. Fuck off," I said rolling my eyes. "You know that's what I like about you. You remind me of me."

"Well, that sucks," I said. "Listen your my best friend's sister. If Lindsay does anything else let me know so I can take care of her. I want you to like me," Mandy got up and walked away.

Shes just like frank love to hate and hate to love.


"Caseys back," Someone yelled. I stood up and Debbie and Casey were walking down the road. His parents ran over and hugged him.

Fiona ran over to Debbie so the rest of us came over too. A bunch of people were throwing money at Debbie for returning him. I can't lie and say I didn't pick up a couple of bills.

Frank came over and started picking up some of Debbie's money but Ian and Lip stopped him.

Turns out Debbie still needed to make a statement. So Fiona and her went to the station while the rest of them went home. I stayed out and walked around until late.

I came home that night to see Veronica pulling a beer out of the fridge and calling for my sister. Once everyone was downstairs including V's mom and Karen. Veronica informed us that she and Kevin are getting married.

We partied and danced all night at least someone had a good love life.

There was a truck beeping outside our house turns out Debbie bought us a new water heater with all her new money.

I'm gonna have to check where the heck she's keeping the rest of it.

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