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General PoV

It was a nice day at Beacon academy and all was going well. Except there was one  team doing their schoolwork together and it consisted with making specific types of dust. The team who were working together was Team RWBY. The team was working in thier dorm because it had enough space for the project. Since Weiss was the only one who was an expert with dust she basically had to help the group with the whole project.

"Weiss are you sure you have this down correctly?" Ruby asked.

"Yes, Ruby I am sure." Weiss replied. "You have to remember that I am a expert when it comes to making dust and this is the kind that can make a person teleport."

"Teleportation Dust?" Blake asked. "Isn't that kind of risky to do it here?"

"Ah don't be so nervous Blake, because if anything happens we have our weapons to defend ourselves with." Yang said. It was true that everyone in the room had their weapons on them just in case.

"But still I can't help but feel like something could go wrong." Blake said as she looked at her papers for the dust mixture.

"I'm pretty confident that Weiss knows what she is doing Blake." Yang said as she looked at her.

"Alright, this dust formula is close to being finished just need to add a little bit more of this..." Weiss said as she slowly tipped the test tube with red dust into a bigger test tube. But as she poured the dust in the glass tube a chain reaction set off and a explosion occurred with the team right in the middle of it. When all was over, Ruby was gone. This caused panic from the others, who frantically look out, and called out for her, only to receive no answer. All that was left, in her place was her weapon.
My PoV

Holding my breath, I aim down the scope before pulling the trigger of the 30-06 watching as the buck dropped to the ground. Ejecting the spent casing, holstered the rifle on my back, before I started descending down the deer stand. Half way down I heard a boom, before a flash of light to the East of me. Quickly dropping down, I made my way towards the area, when I heard coyotes howling up a storm. Quickly drawing the Magnum on my waist, a began running faster, when I came across a girl about my age, or a year younger than me. Firing, I nicked one of their leg's causing it to yelp. Firing once more, the coyotes began running off. Turning my attention to the girl I saw she was having a difficult time figuring out what just happened.

" Ya alright miss? Those coyotes were about to rip ya a new one. " The girl just muttered something under her breath.

" What was that miss? I didn't quite hear ya. " The girl looked at me with a nervous expression.

" Who are you, and where am I? " I just gave her a small chuckle.

" Name's Alex Orr. And your in the woods behind my house. " The girl just gave me a confused look. Holstering my gun, I offered her my hand which she gently took.

" Let's get you back to the house, and see if we can contact your parents, or your guardian. " The girl nodded, and began following me. Soon we arrived at my truck. Hopping in, I told the girl who's name I have yet to learn, to get in.

 Hopping in, I told the girl who's name I have yet to learn, to get in

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" Get in miss. Ya know, I have yet to learn your name." The girl just smiled sheepishly at me.

" I'm Ruby Rose. " Nodding, I put the truck in third and began heading back to my house. After a ten minute trip we finally arrived. Parking, I got out with Ruby following, and entered my house. I offered her house phone, which she took and began looking at it confused.

" What is this? I have never seen this device before?" Raising an eyebrow, I began telling her what it is.

" It's a house phone. Not many, have one since they have cell phones. I have a old rotary phone, and old military SAT phone if you want to use them? " Ruby just looked at me confused, before she began dailing. After she was done, I heard the phone tell her that the number she entered, did not exist. In response to this she began tearing up, before handing me the phone. Taking it I sat it back in it's spot, and offered her a room where she can spend the night, until we could get in contact with her family. Taking it the offer, she went and sat in the room I offered her. Luckily it was, a room that I kept some old things in, such as the Musket I bought when I got my first paycheck. Best Two hundred and fifty dollars I ever spent. Damn thing kicks like a mule. Shaking that thought from my head, I began making dinner. Deer Heart Stew, with Creamy Corn, and White Hummus. After a hour and forty eight minutes, I finished. Once I laid the plates, and bowl's out I called Ruby out.

" Dinner's ready Ruby! Come and get some! " In a blink she appeared in front of me. Taking a step back, I rubbed my eyes to make sure, I wasn't imagining it. Once I was done, I saw her just sitting at the table, with a hungry look on her face. Giving a small laugh, and filing what just happened for later, I began serving her. Filling her bowl with the stew, I gave her a warm smile, which she gave me in return. After that, I put a some Creamy Corn, and Hummus in her plate, which she look at it with a interest. Once I was done with her, I began serving myself. Before I was even finished, I saw her Creamy Corn was all gone. Smiling, I sat down and began eating myself.

Occasionally I would ask a few questions to Ruby who would answer, before doing the same. Soon we finished dinner, I had Ruby go pick out a movie, while I put up dinner, and got each of us a small bowl of Strawberry Ice cream. Which in my opinion is the best Ice Cream there is. Only with Chocolate Mousse as a runner up. Picking up the bowl's I joined Ruby, who was trying to decide between two movies. Sitting down, I placed the bowl's on the table, and looked at the movie's Ruby was looking at. They were Battleship and Real Steel. Both, very great movies in my opinion.

" Decided on one yet? " She just shook her head, and went back to trying to choose which one to watch.

" What are you in the mood for. Alien's or boxing robots?" Ruby seem to pause at this, before coming up with her response.

" Alien's. I always loved, the thought of fighting them. " Hmmmm. Probably should introduce her to Tomorrows War.

" Then put in Battleship. It involves alien's. " Nodding she placed to disk into the DvD player. After the previews we finally got to the main screen, in which I pushed play. After awhile the movie got to my favorite part. Missouri vs the Mothership. After the movie was done I heard soft snoring next to me. Looking over I saw Ruby, passed out, while curling up in a ball. Softly smiling, I got up and put our empty bowl's in the sink before I went and grabbed a blanket. Returning to the couch I gently laid the blanket on top of Ruby, who instantly snuggled up with it. Finding it cute, I took a silent photo on my phone, before I went and it the hay. Laying down and closing my eyes, I could only wonder what was in store for me tomorrow.


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A/N: Let me know what you think.Also Kweebs, please start commenting here in the comment section. Not the RP one.

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