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Ruby's PoV

It's been almost a year and a half since I arrived here in Earth. Just a month ago me and Alex started dating. Our first date was out to the gun range where he let me use his gun's. He even go me one, which was so nice of him.

He said it was called a Anzio and that it shoots 20mm bullets

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He said it was called a Anzio and that it shoots 20mm bullets. To say the least that  I'm in love with it, is a understatement. If only I had Crescent Rose with me, I would intergrade it with her. In return I activated his Aura, which seemed to be way more then any that I have seen. Even Jaune didn't have this much. I have also had this weird feeling around him and others. I feel like I just want to kill every girl that just so much as look at him, and torture every guy that picks on him. When I told Alex, he just laughed before telling me I was becoming a yandere. When I asked him what that was he showed me the definition on his phone.

Yandere. A term for a person who is loving and caring to someone they like until their love, admiration and devotion becomes feisty and mentally destructive in nature through over protectiveness, violence, brutality or all three combined. Yandere is mentally unstable and uses extreme violence or brutality as an outlet for their emotions.

Simply put, a yandere is lovesick; someone who has been driven to insanity by extreme obsession or love, thus resulting in abnormal behaviour if not violence. Take the tropes "Love Makes You Crazy", "Love Makes You Evil", "Love Hungry" and "Stalker with a Crush", turn them all up to eleven, and condense everything into a singular personified character archetype.

When I asked him, what he would do if I fully became one, he just laughed, saying that he always wanted a yandere girlfriend. Just hearing that made my heart leap. Anyways I'm signing off.

Hopping off the digital diary that Alex set up for me, I joined him in the workshop, where I could see him working on the 1941 White M2A1 Half Track that he somehow found in the woods.

Right now, from what I have seen, he added a couple of M1919 Browning Machine Guns, and a brand new M2HB Browning Machine Gun

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Right now, from what I have seen, he added a couple of M1919 Browning Machine Guns, and a brand new M2HB Browning Machine Gun. All in all, it looked ready for war, again. Though from what Alex told me, he can feel that another World War is about to happen. And this time on our home turf. And I'm ready for it. I usually don't like the thought of harming or killing people, but as I'm slowly turning yandere, just the thought of it turns me on. And yes, I have been watching porn movies, in my free time. Anyways back to Alex. As I watched as he tightened the last bolt, on the truck I heard something explode. Looking at Alex I saw him take off outside. Following him I saw what exploded. There was a crater in the ground. Looking up at the sky I saw, plane and jet's dropping men and bombs from the sky.

Me and Alex ran into the house, and grabbed every weapon, all the ammo, and brought them to the half track in the workshop. After that, me and Alex got into combat position's. And by that I mean I got on the .50 cal machine gun, and he got in the driver seat of the truck. Holding out breath, I watched as the workshops door opened, with a group of men running in. Seeing this, I let the .50 cal fire, while Alex started the truck up, and mashed the accelerator. Running over the couple that I missed, we smashed right through the garage door, right into some more people, who started firing at us. Mowing them down, I switched to one of the .30 Cal's when the ammo ran out. Bullet after bullet. Causing after casing. Body after body. Soon all of them where dead. I heard Alex say something in German, but all I understood was Scheiße or fuck. Grabbing the other .30 cal I began, looking out for any other possible enemy.

Grabbing Alex's M1911 I gave it to him through the window. Giving me a thanks, Alex exited the truck and went into our house, before coming back with a box full of caned food. Heading back in Alex, suddenly shot his gun to the left of him. Quickly aiming in that direction I saw, that a Enemy soldier fall to the ground dead. With a heavy sigh, I watched Alex come back out with even more boxes of canned food, along with a wagon filled with clothes and some of our blankets. Loading them up into the truck,bi began thinking of a way where we could add a roof to the back.

" We need to add a roof to the back ya, know." Alex hearing me nodded. And yes, I did take over some of the Southern personality. So go fuck yourself.

" We can get some, armor platting from the Museum. They have some from the Vietnam War, on exhibit." Nodding I helped Alex strap everything done, before helping him load some of the guns. After reloading the .50 cal and the empty .30 cal we began our way into town. When we arrived, the town was barren, except the occasional redneck that was sitting in a rocking chair with a double barrel. Soon we arrived at the Museum, where was ran into some of the US forces. And by some I mean just a couple of Marines in a Humvee. Pulling up alongside them we began exchanging information. After we told them out purpose they, went and helped up build the roof. Once welded into place, we began taking even some weapons and ammo from the Museum. Such as the Mk2 US hand grenades, and some of the clip's from the M1 Garand section. And imagine our surprise when we saw another half track in there along with tanks, cannon's, and a helicopter. To bad we couldn't take it all with us.

Saying good by to the two Marines, we went back to our house, where we found more enemy soldiers. But this time, they had a tank. But, fortunately they had yet to notice our presence. Alex slowly made our way, near the house before we decided to let it rip. And let it rip we did. Alex ran some over while I just annihilated anything that was in the way. Soon we where face with the tank, which for some reason hadn't fired at us. Approaching it we saw that no one was in it. Taking the .30 cal ammo from it, we then set it up with the grenades, and explosives from the dead enemy soldiers, to explode. Parking the half track next to the house we exited it, before heading over to the workshop. Just as Alex pulled the detonator, I realized that I left the Teleportation Dust in the tank. With a huge boom the Tank, the half track, and the house and truck disappeared.

" Well that's a problem." I couldn't help, but agrees with him. And the sad part is that I'm the reason for it.

" Let just hope, we can survive. All we have is the F4U Corsair, and the P-51 Mustang." Nodding, I followed Alex, into the Workshop.


A/N: Y'all know the drill by now

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A/N: Y'all know the drill by now.

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