III- Year after arrival.

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Ruby's PoV

"It's been almost a year and a half since I arrived here in Earth. Just a month ago me and Alex started dating. Our first date was out to the gun range where he let me use his gun's. He even go me one, which was so nice of him.

He said it was called a Anzio and that it shoots 20mm bullets. To say the least that  I'm in love with it, is a understatement. I have already integrated it with Crescent Rose, know giving her a new form. In return I activated his Aura, which seemed to be way more then any that I have seen. Even Jaune didn't have this much. I have also had this weird feeling around him and others. I feel like I just want to kill every girl that just so much as look at him, and torture every guy that picks on him. When I told Alex, he just laughed before telling me I was becoming a yandere. When I asked him what that was he showed me the definition on his phone.

Yandere. A term for a person who is loving and caring to someone they like until their love, admiration and devotion becomes feisty and mentally destructive in nature through over protectiveness, violence, brutality or all three combined. Yandere is mentally unstable and uses extreme violence or brutality as an outlet for their emotions.

Simply put, a yandere is lovesick; someone who has been driven to insanity by extreme obsession or love, thus resulting in abnormal behaviour if not violence. Take the tropes "Love Makes You Crazy", "Love Makes You Evil", "Love Hungry" and "Stalker with a Crush", turn them all up to eleven, and condense everything into a singular personified character archetype.

When I asked him, what he would do if I fully became one, he just laughed, saying that he always wanted a yandere girlfriend. Just hearing that made my heart leap. I also have a split personality of myself that me and Alex have started calling Akuma, which means Devil, also known as Demon, in Japanese since she's basically my evil self. Though I can't get angry with her since, I'm a Yandere and think about killing others that would try and flirt with Alex. Also she apparently is also in Love with Alex, and I for some reason find that ok. Maybe it's because where for the most part the same person, or maybe because I know she won't hurt Alex. Who knows. Anyways I'm signing off."

Hopping off the digital diary that Alex set up for me, I joined him in the workshop, where I could see him working on his truck. Walking over to him, I get on my hand and knees, and start crawling under so I could help him. "Ah, Rue. Glad your here. Can you hand me a 1 and 3/4 crescent wrench, that's right next to you on your left side?" Compiling I grabbed the wrench and handed it to him, where soon began tightening a bolt down, before sliding out from underneath the truck, with me following. Helping me up, Alex before putting up the tools. " So, what's the plan for the day?" Alex chuckle and ruffled my hair, causing me to pout. " Well, I plan on taking us to a Museum her in Texas." My eyes widen with surprise, before I hugged him while, he hugged me back. " Really? Then what museum are we going to?" Alex stopped hugging me, much to my dismay. " Where going to go visit the USS Texas." I started smiling widely as he said that. The USS Texas is by far my favorite Warship, and I have always wanted to visit it. " Now, go  load up in the car. I have to change." Nodding, I exited the garage, and loaded up in to the car, which Alex had bought me a few months ago, and I was exited. It was 1977 Ford Mustang GT-40.

Soon, the driver side door opened, with Alex climbing in, and putting the keys in the ignition. Once he was buckled up her started the car, and off we went. After an hour drive, we stopped got gas, and a snack and went on our way. For the rest of our way there we would play a game, like the Alphabet games we soon arrived. After we parked, and exited we made our way to the Texas, where we were met by the tour guide. " Ah, you must be the Private Party, that we received?" Alex nodded, and shook her hand. " Yup that would be us. I'm Alex, and this is my lovely girlfriend Ruby." The tour guide nodded. " I see. Well I'm your your guide Elesa Monroe. Please follow me." After a couple of hours in tour I spotted something. " Hey, Miss Monroe. Why is there a shell on a plaque right here?" Before Missouri Monroe could say any Alex spoke up. " That is a German shell that struck the Texas but didn't explode. During the Battle of Cherbourg in June 1944, USS Texas alongside battleships Nevada, Arkansas, four cruisers, and eleven destroyers, opened fire on the vital german port. Texas and Arkansas were ordered to the east to shell the coastal installation, Battery Hamburg. During the battle, the coastal guns fire at Texas and Arkansas. Texas was hit several times, one shell hit the bridge and exploded, destroying the gun director periscope and damaged the pilot house. Another pierced the ship's weak forepeak armor directly above the wardroom. This shell, however, was a dud and did not explode. After the battle, the US Navy safely deactivated this shell and returned it to the ship as a good luck charm. It has remained on board ever since." I looked at it in awe, while Missouri Monroe gave Alex a surprised and impressed look.

" Indeed, you are correct. How did you know that, if I may ask?" Alex just sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck, before answering. " I'm known as a Military Specialist and WW2 Historian, for the most part." Miss Monroe , nodded while still giving Alex a Impressed look. "Then I'm guessing you already know the history of the USS Texas?" Alex just sighed. " For the most part. I don't know everything, but I know quite a bit." Miss Monroe nodded, and began walking. " I see. Very well, we still have 30 minutes left of the tour." Soon, much to my disappointment the tour ended. Alex bought me a poster, and a Blueprint poster, along with a mug, as souvenirs. Kissing Alex, I left and put the souvenirs in the car, and loaded up with Alex not far behind. Soon we where on our way home.

A/N: There you go kuwebby2, I showed me and Ruby going to a museum.

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