II- Realizations

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Ruby's PoV

Waking up, I could hear the sound of bacon sizzling. Stretching out, I gave a small yawn, when I saw that I was on Alex's couch. Standing up, I almost tripped over my feet, when I heard Alex call my name. Looking over at him I saw, him offering me a plate. Quickly zipping over to him, I sat at the table, in which he set down the plate allowing me to see what was all on it. Five crispy bacon strips, with a couple of blueberry waffles, and a piece of sausage. Giving him a thank you, I began scarfing it down, which caused him to start chuckling causing me to blush in embarrassment.

" Glad to know ya like my cookin. Do enjoy yourself. " Giving him a thumbs up, I continued enjoying this heavenly food he gave me, when I heard him mutter something in another language. Ignoring it, I began chomping down on the bacon while I watched Alex turn on the TV, looking at the News channel. What News channel is that? I have never heard of CNN News. Must be only exclusive to this area that he lives in. Now that I think of it, where is Huston, Texas? I have never heard of it before. Oh, well. Question for later. Finishing my breakfast, I watched as Alex was typing some type of code on his computer, that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

" So Ruby. I have looked into every school, state, and missing person file's and I have only ended up with one person named Ruby Rose. She's 36, and a Australian model. She also doesn't look anywhere near you. Where exactly did you come from?" Frowning, I pulled out my scroll which seemed to catch Alex's attention. Pulling up the map of Vale, I showed it to him.

" I'm from here. Well I'm from Patch, but I was here in Vale at a Academy called Beacon. " I watched as Alex seemed to take in what I said, before leaving the room. Following him I found a found a room that looked like paradise to me. Unknown weapons, maps, uniforms of some type, and a half built gun. Watching as Alex examined the Maps he pointed at a spot on the huge map on the wall.

" So your from Vale, Oregon. Your far from home Ruby. " Oregon? I have never heard of Oregon before. I was about to tell him when something caught my attention. The moon. It wasn't..... It wasn't broken. It was fully intact.

" Whoa. I don't think I'm even on my planet." This caused Alex to look at me with some confusion.

" Last I knew, the moon was broken. Not intact. Question. Is the planets name Remnant?" He also just shook his head.

" Nope. The planets name is Earth. Or Terra. Depends on the people." So I am right. That really means I am far from home.

" That means, I can't get home. That m-means I-I can't see my f-family or f-friends anymore...." I started crying, at the realization. Alex to his credit patted me on the back, trying to comfort me. Soon I stopped, but it seemed I tired myself out. Leaning against Alex, I fell asleep.
My PoV

Gently laying Ruby down, I covered her up with one of my jackets in the room, before I went a looked up what she told me. To be fair her name sounded familiar and so does Remnant. Looking both of them up, I came across a anime called RWBY. Now this sparked a memory from me, and why her name sounded familiar. I never did seem to get into it, like I did with Red vs Blue. Guess I'll show her, it when she wakes up. In the mean time, I'll go work on the F4U Corsair. Needs some work on the carburetor. Heading into the workshop I began working. Occasionally giving out a fuck, I finally got the carburetor fixed, only to realize that I put a hole in the fuel line. Giving out a string of curses in German and Latin I began changing the hose. Once, I was finished, I heard a noise behind me. Turning towards it I saw that it was Ruby. Giving her a wave I began cleaning my hands off, with a rag.

" Feelin better?" She just nodded, seeming to fixated on the three World War Two planes that I have.

" Like them? " She just gave me a sheepish smile.

" Don't worry. I like them to. The one I was working on is a F4U Corsair named Phenix, while the other one is a P-51 Mustang named Silver Bullet. It got it's name from my friend Andy. And sitting beside it another warbird. A P-47 Thunderbolt, to be exact named Phantom, due to its old owner. Anyways, I have something to show you. It involves you actually." She seemed confused but followed me neter the less. Once we reached the living room, I had her sit down, before turning on the TV, and going to YouTube.

" What I'm about to show you, will probably make no since, or scare you but do try and watch." Typing in RWBY, I started the first episode. Soon we watched an entire season and a half. Ruby, seemed to have gone deep into her thoughts, though occasionally giving the TV a look of confusion.

" How, did all this happen? How does it have everything that's happened and then some? Alex, I'm very confused and scared." Patting her on the back, I couldn't figure out what to say.
Ruby's PoV

I-I really don't know what to believe. What I have seen, was to much for me to believe. I'm a real, or am I just a fictional character that seemed to come to life.

" Am I real Alex? Or am I just a fictional person?" Alex just looked at me with a blank look.

" Your real. Never doubt that ya ain't. Your as real as me and everyone else." I couldn't help but hug him. Letting go of him, I couldn't help but blush, realizing what I just did.

" Well Ruby, since we can't get you home right know, why don't you enroll into my school. With a little help, I can get you a citizen ID, a birth certificate, and all that jazz." Nodding at him, I watched as he went into another room, and began calling someone. After awhile he came back.

" Congrats. Your now a legal citizen of America. Tomorrow, you'll be going to my school." I nodded, waiting for Alex to go on, with his explanations.

" Well, I guess I'll have to teach you about what to do and what not to do here, since it's a lot different than Remnant." Nodding I began listening, and taking notes as he started telling me the differences between my Planet and his. After awhile it was dinner. After eating I began watching some films that Alex had. Each of them dealing with this WW2 on them. After the first ten minutes of the first one I realized that Alex's world has gone through more then mine. Just maybe, I can learn from him, about the weapons and other things.


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A/N: This one is basically the same with some edits here and there. And as always, ley me know what you think about it in the comment section below.

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