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Ozpin's PoV

Sighing, I began signing another piece of paperwork, when there was a flash of light. Looking towards the location it came from, I saw smoke filling the air. Immediately I stood up, and rushed over to the window where I saw a house of some kind near the empty storage units. And along the house where, these unusual vehicles that I have never seen before. One was burning, one was sitting beside the house, and one was covered with blood, and bullet casings. Quickly entering the elevator, I made my way down. Once out of the elevator I joined Glynda, outside with the unknown house and vehicle's.

" Those two look like their made for war, while that one looks like it's just for work." Nodding, I couldn't help but agrees with her. Examining the blood covered, of what I think is a truck I saw, something glowing in it. Picking it up I saw much to my surprise Miss.Rose's scroll.

" Glynda. Please inform Team RWBY, that I have found a lead on their team leader. Meanwhile, I'll have these in the storage units. Can't let anyone else know about this." Glynda just walked away, not even responding to him.

Yang's PoV

Soon me, Blake, and Weiss where standing in front of Professor Ozpin, who said he had a lead on my sister, also our Team Leader.

" Earlier today, a bright light happened outside, catching my attention. So I went and checked it out with Miss. Goodwitch here, where we found unknown things along with your sister's Scroll. We are hoping you know how to get into it Miss. Xio Long, so we can see if she can give us an idea on where she is." I nodded and took Ruby's Scroll and typed in the password. Once in I went to her Photo and Video gallery. I clicked on a video that had been marked Day 1. On it appeared am much older Ruby much to my and the others confusion. Clicking play we watched the video.

" Ah, this is so embarrassing. Almost as embarrassing as the time Yang was drunk, and walked on to my room naked, with a vibrator." I blushed embarrassed at the looks I received from the other's. Ignoring them I continued watching the video.

" Anyways I suppose I should start with who I am. My name is Ruby T Rose, a huntress a Beacon Academy, and Team Leader of Team RWBY. I am 17 years old, and was born October 31. A month ago I was caught in a explosion in my dorm surrounded by my teammates Yang Xiao Long, Blake Belladonna, and my partner Weiss Schnee. Or as her name translates White Snow." I looked over to Weiss who appeared to have a shocked look on her face.

" Who could she have known that? Even most people in Atlas don't know the translation of my name, since it's from a extinct language known as German." I shrugged, not knowing what to tell her.

" Anyways right now I'm in a place called Houston, Texas living with a person who saved me from being attacked, and has been helping me out. His name is Alexander D Orr, but has told me to call him Alex. Never Alexander. Something to do with his past. Anyways he's 17, and was born August 28, in some place called Springfield, Missouri. And guess what?! He's even a bigger weapon nut then I am. He actually has the title of Military Specialist, which is not surprising when he told me about himself. He's also a author and has published 285 book's. My favorite is about a man that gets sent into a world of magic, with nothing but a shotgun, and a pistol. Anyways getting back on track, Alex has been graciously letting me stay here with him, while helping me get to know his world. He's even enrolled me into his school to help. I still don't know how he made me a fake birth certificate, and ID, but I'm not complaining. Also did you know that his world has had Two World Wars? They both where crazy. One was started by a failed assassination, and the other by a Mad Man. The second one was worse, since it cost between 70 and 85 million people. I'm shocked at that considering on Rement there would been know one left. Other then probably someone named Salem and Ozma." I heard a strangled cough come from Professor Ozpin. Looking over at him with concern, he waved me off.

" Nothing to worry about. I'm just surprised by the deaths from the second World War." I nodded since I was surprised by the number, but something told me that wasn't it.

" Anyways I'm hopping off. Alex is almost done working in the garage, and he's going to go teach me hunting. So bye for now. From the Magnificent Ruby Rose." I gave a small laugh at that, while Blake and Weiss gave a small ghostly smile.

" Hmph. At least the dolt is safe. Though I wonder about this Alex character? And when did Ruby become so proficient with word's?" I shrugged not knowing the answer.

" I agree with Weiss. Though, at least she's safe. Is there any other videos?" I nodded.

" Yeah. Just two. One that's labeled Secret and Day Two. Should I play them?" Blake and Weiss nodded, while Professor Ozpin cleared his throat.

" While I to am curious, I suggest you three go review it in your dorm for privacy." I nodded and headed to the elevator with Blake and Weiss in tow. Just as the elevator doors closed I swore I saw Professor Ozpin's face change into one of concern.
Ozpin's PoV

As the remaining members of Team RWBY entered the elevator, and the doors closed I began to hyper ventilate. Just how could Miss. Rose know about my original name or about Salem. There's just no way she should have any ideas about those names. Just what is happening in where you are Miss. Rose.
No One's PoV

" Hostile eliminated." Came a young female voice, as she made her way to the down enemy. Slinging her gaint rifle on her back, she regrouped with a young man her age.

" Nice shootin, Bullet." She nodded, kicking the dead soldier she shot.

" You to Phenix." The young man laughed.

" Let's get back to base. It's time to take this to the air." The young girl nodded.

" Semper Fi, Alex." Alex nodded.

" Semper Fi." And with that they made thier way back to base. Where a new challenge is to begin.

A/N: And done. A short four chaptered story. Though don't worry, there's a part two which will be longer.

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