VI-Starlight and Silver Eye's

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My PoV

As the swirling energies around us began to settle, I found myself in a vast, ethereal space. It was like standing in the middle of a cosmic canvas, with stars, nebulae, and entire galaxies spinning lazily around us. The Brother Gods stood before me, their forms more defined in this strange realm.

"So," I said, trying to mask my nervousness with humor, "is this the part where you guys hand me a magical girl wand and I transform with a catchy theme song? Because I gotta tell you, I don't think I have the legs for a miniskirt."

The God of Light chuckled, a sound like distant wind chimes. "Your humor serves you well, young one. It will be a valuable tool in the trials to come."

"Great," I muttered. "I always wanted my bad jokes to be a superpower. Ruby's gonna love that."

Suddenly, a thought struck me. "Wait... Ruby! Where is she? Is she okay?"

The God of Darkness stepped forward, his starry form rippling. "See for yourself, child."

With a wave of his hand, a window seemed to open in the cosmic void. Through it, I saw a stark hospital room. My heart dropped as I recognized the figure in the bed - it was me, or rather, my body. I was hooked up to various machines, looking pale and broken. And there, sitting by the bedside, holding my hand with tears in her eyes, was Rue.

"Oh god," I whispered, the reality of the situation hitting me like a truck. "I'm... I'm not dead, am I? Because if this is the afterlife, I have some strong words for your interior decorator."

The God of Light shook his head. "No, you are not dead. Your spirit has been called here while your body heals. Ruby's presence, her aura intertwined with yours, is keeping you tethered to the mortal realm."

I watched as Rue squeezed my hand, her silver eyes filled with worry. "She can't see me or hear me, can she?"

"No," the God of Darkness rumbled. "But she can sense you, on some level. Your connection transcends physical boundaries."

I reached out towards the image of Rue, my hand passing through it like mist. "I'm here, Rue," I said softly, even though I knew she couldn't hear me. "I'm coming back. I promise."

Turning back to the Brother Gods, I squared my shoulders. "Okay, cosmic deities. You said something about training? Let's get to it. The sooner I figure out this whole 'anomaly' business, the sooner I can get back to Ruby."

The brothers exchanged a glance before the God of Light spoke. "Your determination is admirable. But you must understand - the power we're about to awaken in you is not to be taken lightly. It will change you, and your relationship with Ruby, in ways you cannot yet comprehend."

"Yeah, yeah, with great power comes great responsibility," I quipped. "I've seen the movies. But seriously, hit me with your best shot. I've got a girl waiting for me, and I'm not about to let a little thing like being a multidimensional anomaly keep me from her."

The God of Darkness raised a hand, and suddenly, I felt a pull from deep within me. It was like someone had hooked a fishing line to my very soul and was reeling it in. I gasped as energy surged through my body, my skin tingling with power.

"Holy shi-" I cut myself off, remembering I was in the presence of gods. "I mean, holy smokes. Is this what Rue feels like all the time? No wonder she's always so hyper. Girl's probably vibrating at the frequency of the universe itself."

The God of Light nodded approvingly. "Good. You're beginning to feel the flow of energy between the realities. Now, focus on that sensation. Imagine it as a river flowing through you."

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