1. How My Family Found Out

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[Hey guys, most of this narration is by Nathan but, the other character will get their chance with perspectives to show that something will happen or to clarify something. Thank you and see you soon!]

Nathan's Perspective

Hi. My name is Nathan Johnson. I am 14 years old and I go to an All Boys School In Michigan. My family only contains one member besides me, including my father, Troy Johnson. I was adopted by the luxurious and rich Troy. I am a tbdl, (Teen Baby Diaper Lover) which means I wear and love using diapers.

"Nathan! Come on buddy! You need to hurry up school's gonna start soon!" My dad bellowed.
"Coming Dad!!!" I yelled, making sure no part of my diaper could be shown.
I hop into the car and my father takes me to school.
"Bye dad! See you later!" I wave.
I enter the school and my best friend, Alex walks right next to me.
"Hey Nate, you heard that there's a substitute in English today?" Alex questions.
"Sweet, now we can do whatever we want, and it's our first class!" I smirk. The substitute will have no idea what's coming.

Alex's Perspective

God, I love Nathan. His hair, his body, his personality. Gosh, I could be all over him all day. The thing is with Nathan is that he only hangs out with me so I have to stay cool with him. I am also a tbdl and love wearing diapers and using them. I could never let Nathan or anyone else in this school know that I wear and piss and shit in diapers.  My school rep would be down the toilet! I spit a spit ball onto the sub's shirt. This will be a good class period.

Nathan's Perspective

"You boys better stop playing around!"  The substitute yells, impatient with our behavior. I feel my seat a little squishier. I'm trying not to laugh with Alex but it's so hard.
"If you 2 boys laugh again I'm sending you both home!" The sub is boiling hot right now with rage.
Alex and I explode with laughter. "BAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHA!"
Oh shit...I'm dead.

(Dad) Troy's Perspective

I get home and thank god I don't have any trade marketing to do today. I decide to look through Nathan's room to see what he's hiding. I riffle through his closet and bathroom and find nothing of use or interest. Than, I check his dresser and sure enough in the first row, I find patterned, colored, and branded diapers. Nathan will surely be needing to explain this when that young man gets home.

Nathan's Perspective

My dad picks me up, heated from the situation.
"Why did you get kicked out of class today Nathan?" My dad yells.
"I- was laughing and talking with Alex during class.." I responded.
"Also Nathan. Care to explain why do you have diapers in your drawers?"
"Oh I like diapers. Im a tbdl and I like using diapers. Im wearing one right now. Im sorry dad." I say sorrily, hoping he forgets about the English class.
We get home.
"Nathan if you want, you can roam around in only your diaper if you want." My dad states.
I take off all my clothing to reveal a big, messy, pink, yellow and brown stained, dotted diaper.
"Wow Nathan..you let yourself go..I'll leave you in that for now.." my dad winks and goes to his office.

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